Biewer Terrier

Temperament: Affectionate, loyal, energetic and brave, high grooming needs

Height: 7-11 inches

Weight: 4-8 lbs

Life Span: 12-15 years

Breed Average Outlier Index: 0.31

Breed Average Genetic Relatedness: 0.00

Breed Average Internal Relatedness: 0.01

Last 10 Recently Added Public Dogs!

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Beulah Belle of American Biewers F0.200.10-0.07
2 Ruby Loo of American Biewers F0.290.040.01
3 Chevy Race of American Biewers M0.180.040.10
4 Oriana of American Biewers F0.220.000.12
5 Allure Sachs Elite by Nature F0.240.050.10
6 Allure Sachs Dream B.I.G. M0.190.060.06
7 Leona Lewis Selfie Star F0.220.010.16
8 Fortune Radiant Snow Avalanche F0.320.01-0.10
9 House of Biewer Greta F0.190.030.24
10 Sugarbabe's Journey F0.290.01-0.08

Biewers go by many names: such as Biewer Terriers, Biewer yorkshire terriers, or just Biewers. They originated from a yorkshire kennel in Germany in the 1980s. They appeared to be produced between two parents, with a lot of influence from an imported UK stud named Streamglen Richard. It is believed the tri colored patterning evolved from a potential spontaneous mutation, latent mutation, or outbreeding to another breed; Werner and Gertrud Biewer claimed that the latter was not the case. The biewer kennel continued to breed for the type they liked for 5 years before bringing in new genetics. Their dogs were highly sought after. In the 2000s, breeders in America and Germany continued to breed into German yorkshire terriers as was the practice of the Biewer kennel. This practice was ended in 2007. Biewer terriers are currently accepted as a new breed in AKC that may register as a FSS (foundation stock service) and are considered a breed in development.

Breed Standard coming soon!'

The adjusted IR curve for Biewers finds them to be highly inbred, close to that of a litter of full siblings’ breeding, like many breeds, when compared to village dogs.

UC Davis tested Biewers from different backgrounds to see if they were genetically different from one another. While there was variation in the breed, they were found to be one breed. Based on values for all currently tested 104 Biewers, the mean number of alleles found at each locus is 6.39, which is similar to many pure breeds. The number of the alleles (Ne) that contribute the most to overall heterozygosity is 3.35, which is also in line with a number of pure breeds. This indicates a need to redistribute the alleles and the presence of a breedwide bottleneck, likely due to the Founder Effect.

The adjusted IR curve for Biewers finds them to be highly inbred, close to that of a litter of full siblings’ breeding, like many breeds, when compared to village dogs.

16 different STR-associated DLA Class I and 13 DLA Class II haplotypes among the 104 Biewer dogs tested. This is a small range compared to some breeds but greater than others. The comparatively low number of DLA class I and II haplotypes in the Biewer dogs tested is an indication that the breed has evolved from a relatively small founder population, or that many of the original founders have been lost from the population over time.

The follow includes dogs with birthdates listed in the database.

DLA Haplotypes in the Breed

The Dog Leukocyte Antigen or DLA is the region in the canine genome that controls the immune system, among other things. There are three classes or areas, and the VGL Canine Diversity Test genotypes or records the two regions with the most variation. Because it is an area that mutates more rapidly than others, the method VGL uses is ideal for identifying specific combinations of DNA, and not merely showing whether a dog inherited two of the same sets of genetics from its parents or two different ones.

"Haplotype" is a generic name for a set of genes that are bound together and inherited as a set. The DLA Class I and Class II haplotypes are very tightly bound and represent about 2 million base pairs of DNA - a sizeable chunk. These two haplotypes together make an extended haplotype that is nearly always passed from parent to puppies as a pair. We therefore have two tables below showing both the combinations of DLA found in this breed and how often they appear, and also how often they appear individually.

Remember that frequency percentages do not show how many dogs carry them, but rather how many of these haplotypes exist in the breed as a whole. Every dog has two sets of DLA haplotypes, one inherited from dam, and one inherited from sire. These almost never recombine in new generations.

DLA Class I/Class II Combinations :

Class I HaplotypeClass II HaplotypeFrequency in the Breed

DLA Frequencies :

ClassHaplotypeFrequency in the Breed
Class I10052.28%
Class I10080.76%
Class I101223.38%
Class I10144.94%
Class I10160.76%
Class I10196.84%
Class I103046.77%
Class I10408.94%
Class I10430.57%
Class I10461.90%
Class I11041.14%
Class I11050.38%
Class I11150.19%
Class I11170.19%
Class I11310.95%
Class II200327.38%
Class II20051.90%
Class II20136.84%
Class II20167.41%
Class II202346.96%
Class II20374.94%
Class II20402.66%
Class II20740.19%
Class II20811.14%
Class II20830.38%
Class II20840.19%

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List of Public Dogs

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1A Living Doll of Gingerbread BiewersF0.200.020.17
2Aamore Mio Chance To DanceM0.41-0.01-0.12
3Aamore Mio MoniqueF0.360.01-0.01
5Adelina Von El Classius Dio MandyF0.38-0.01-0.04
6Advance Gift Snow AvalancheM0.330.07-0.15
7Ajax Woof of Mystical Fairy TailsM0.37-0.02-0.06
8Alfie Jace of Goldmine YorkiesM0.58-0.140.03
9Allegro of American BiewersF0.360.00-0.09
10Allure Sachs Carte BlancheF0.180.050.15
11Allure Sachs Dream B.I.G.M0.190.060.06
12Allure Sachs Elite by NatureF0.240.050.10
13Alouette of American BiewersF0.290.020.04
14Always Kaycee of Gingerbread BiewersF0.34-0.010.06
15Amato PlesidoM0.280.08-0.24
16Amore Mio Biewers AceM0.26-0.020.37
17Amore Mio Biewers AdeleF0.20-0.040.41
18Anastasia Princess Of MystiqueF0.260.03-0.22
19Athena Rose of MysticalFairyTailsF0.300.00-0.01
20Atticus AmoireM0.42-0.04-0.05
21Au Juliette of Absolutely Biewer TerriersF0.270.010.05
22Au RomeoM0.40-0.030.00
23Autumn Von FritzF0.29-0.03-0.04
24Beatrice Babe of American BiewersF0.36-0.03-0.05
25Bedazzling's Heavenly Joy of Fairy GlennF0.170.050.02
26Belamour's AcalyphaF0.240.020.12
27Belamour's AconiteM0.320.000.01
28Belamour's AgapanthusM0.280.04-0.01
29Belamour's AmaryllisM0.260.010.12
30Belamour's AzaleaF0.290.010.04
31Bellkor Charming AngelM0.340.00-0.08
32Bellssama's To Grace You With Her Presence- Fairy GlennF0.36-0.040.18
33Benchmark On Y Va My SunshineF0.250.10-0.21
35Beulah Belle of American BiewersF0.200.10-0.07
36Bianca of American BiewersF0.38-0.01-0.16
37Bilbo BagginsM0.29-0.020.09
38Bob Hiladel Question Asked and AnsweredM0.180.080.00
39Bonitta Beautiful FantasyF0.370.02-0.17
40Brighten's Coming Up RosesF0.150.070.05
41Brighten's You Are My SunshineM0.21-0.020.30
42Bruschetta of Gessner'sM0.210.09-0.12
43By the Bay Rumour has itM0.30-0.02-0.14
44By the Bay's Honey BoyM0.37-0.01-0.09
45By the Bay's Honey GirlF0.39-0.070.06
46By The Bay's Just A Diamond In The RuffF0.34-0.01-0.16
47By the Bay's On Cloud NineM0.220.06-0.09
48By the Bay's Promises PromisesF0.35-0.03-0.11
49CA Beachboy Rocky, House of Wagging TailsM0.23-0.01-0.03
50CA Sunprincess Almond Joy House of Wagging TailsF0.300.01-0.03
51CA Sunprincess Harmony House of Wagging TailF0.200.000.04
52CA Sunprincess Kewpie Dolly, House of Wagging TailsF0.34-0.03-0.01
53CA Sunprincess MadisonF0.270.000.05
54Ca Sunprincess PatticakeF0.240.03-0.13
55Cersei Of Hidaway Cover BiewersF0.29-0.020.10
56Charm of Raven's HollowF0.370.03-0.19
57Chester O'Riley of Little Tuff BiewersM0.200.060.03
58Chevy Race of American BiewersM0.180.040.10
59Chip Madison of Blessed SummerM0.36-0.01-0.02
60Chulpan Shanda BeautyF0.22-0.010.21
61Crowning Hope Snow AvalancheM0.44-0.070.17
62D-Waltzing MatildaF0.27-0.020.13
63Daewerys Tiffany of Mystical Fairy TailsF0.26-0.020.00
64Daniel Konti RimM0.29-0.030.02
65Daniel Konti ShorvilF0.58-0.130.09
66Daniel Konti UliannaF0.260.010.04
67Daniel Konti UndinaF0.45-0.08-0.10
68Daphhne SeleneF0.290.01-0.09
69Darcy Benefit GoldM0.300.00-0.04
70Dasher Noble of Mystical Fairy TailsM0.32-0.080.04
71Delta Dawn of Little Tuff BiewersF0.130.090.16
72Diana Rose of Mystical Fairy TailsF0.31-0.04-0.02
73Distinguishing Diamonds Dreaming of La Dolce'M0.110.110.19
74Dixieland Delight's Exquisite ArielF0.240.03-0.05
75Donday BaileyF0.58-0.100.02
76Donday BaxterF0.340.04-0.17
77Donday BBM0.320.07-0.24
78Donday BellaF0.55-0.100.04
79Donday CassieF0.250.02-0.05
80Donday ChanceM0.32-0.04-0.04
81Donday ChanelF0.270.000.03
82Donday CharlieF0.51-0.05-0.11
83Donday ClarkM0.320.01-0.03
84Donday CodyM0.23-0.010.18
85Donday CooperM0.330.000.10
86Donday DakotaM0.270.03-0.12
87Donday DarylM0.280.08-0.04
88Donday DavinM0.36-0.01-0.13
89Donday DaylanM0.42-0.01-0.11
90Donday DexterM0.300.08-0.17
91Donday DionM0.360.01-0.13
92Donday Double DipF0.220.090.00
93Donday EchoF0.340.00-0.07
94Donday EllaF0.41-0.05-0.09
95Donday EllieF0.230.030.08
96Donday EvieF0.310.00-0.01
97Donday HazelF0.36-0.060.12
98Donday JakeM0.47-0.06-0.12
99Donday KaliaF0.340.00-0.09
100Donday KikkaF0.38-0.01-0.08
101Donday KookieF0.19-0.030.14
102Donday LacyF0.280.06-0.21
103Donday MistyF0.38-0.030.02
104Donday MurphyM0.360.010.02
105Donday PhoebeF0.320.04-0.18
106Donday PoppyF0.370.01-0.13
107Donday RufusM0.310.04-0.19
108Donday Saba'akaF0.48-0.07-0.07
109Donday SparkyM0.45-0.130.36
110Donday StellaF0.290.05-0.01
111Donday TaghgM0.39-0.010.00
112Donday TobyM0.41-0.03-0.03
113Donday ZZ TopperM0.25-0.060.35
114Dondayzz GidgetF0.37-0.040.07
115Donner HunterM0.220.040.05
116Double Hearts Dashing DamonM0.36-0.040.02
117Dream Girl Vom WoogthalF0.60-0.170.15
118Elegant Texas Rose of Triple TF0.290.06-0.17
119Elton John Vom WM0.55-0.170.12
120Elvis von Weisse OrchideeM0.41-0.030.03
121Everlasting Sunshine Of Sunshine BiewersM0.30-0.080.00
122Fabulous Baker Boy My Insatiable LoveM0.310.01-0.08
123Fairy Glenn's Daire To DreamF0.220.07-0.19
124Fairy Glenn's Dancin Til DawnF0.280.06-0.19
125Fairy Glenn's IanM0.200.000.13
126Fairy Glenn's KaylaF0.53-0.06-0.25
127Fairy Glenn's LaurelF0.32-0.02-0.09
128Fairy Tail Gretel Von Regal DesireF0.31-0.070.16
129Famous Star Snow AvalancheF0.360.000.00
130Feva of American BiewersF0.24-0.020.06
131Figaro of Absolutely Beautiful Biewer TerrierM0.37-0.03-0.01
132Fortune Radiant Snow AvalancheF0.320.01-0.10
133Galatea from My Beautiful TribeF0.210.03-0.01
134Gedeona Von Weisse OrchideeF0.240.010.09
135Gee Whizz Of EdgewoodF0.290.01-0.11
136Gem Pearl Snow AvalancheF0.250.02-0.02
137Gloria Dee From The White AngelF0.70-0.210.13
138Glory Bee of American BiewersF0.250.05-0.15
139Graceful's BlackM0.34-0.030.01
140Gracie of Little Tuff BiewersF0.210.070.09
141Gran De Cuerro Hard Rok Irish DzhazzM0.230.020.16
142Great Scott's PaisleyF0.40-0.050.00
144Hanna Of Southern Belle BiewersF0.25-0.090.33
145Haus Black Bist BentleyM0.300.03-0.03
146Haus Black Bist FenyaF0.290.03-0.08
147Haus Black Bist Grin RimM0.170.10-0.08
148Haus Black Bist TsaritsaF0.270.020.02
149Hedda Hop of American BiewersF0.49-0.120.09
150Helen Rainbow Lolita Lady BreezeF0.290.010.05
151Helena S Medovih PoleyF0.260.04-0.05
152Hillary Golden BenefitF0.170.080.02
153House of Biewer GretaF0.190.030.24
154Howie of American BiewersM0.41-0.05-0.07
155I Am Alpha Boy Von Weisse OrchideeM0.330.01-0.11
156Imperiales D'Morffiz Never Miss A Beat NexieF0.140.050.06
157InBloom Notorious Affair @ MeadowviewF0.33-0.070.08
158Jackpot Von Weisse OrchideeM0.37-0.020.00
159Java Queen Schneekonigin Von Der ElsF0.140.110.03
160Jazz Man of American BiewersM0.44-0.04-0.06
161Joy To My World Of Showtime BiewersF0.30-0.04-0.13
162JR Biewer's Beat of My HeartF0.230.07-0.03
163Kamila of Little Tuff BiewersF0.250.08-0.17
164Kassanova SnowboyM0.31-0.050.00
166Kewpie Doll of American BiewersF0.130.110.01
167Kodi of Loving AcresM0.250.03-0.16
168Lamel All About MeF0.370.00-0.23
169Lamel All That GlittersF0.150.060.04
170Lamel All That JazzF0.300.010.00
171Lancelot Snowdeneice Von Den KoboldenM0.350.01-0.05
172Leona Lewis Selfie StarF0.220.010.16
173Levian Von Regal DesireF0.28-0.040.15
174Liberty of American BiewersF0.170.060.16
175Liliya Gold Black Diamond WinnerM0.200.10-0.06
176Little Tuff Biewer's Foxy LadyF0.340.02-0.11
177Little Tuff Biewer's Hot PantsF0.220.030.29
178Lottie Dee of American BiewersF0.260.020.04
179Marsella AkvitasF0.340.05-0.17
180Maybe of American BiewersF0.150.070.13
181Mighty Moose of BenchmarkF0.230.020.01
183Mirica (Rocky Mountain Biewer Terriers)F0.270.01-0.04
184Morning Glory CunamiF0.29-0.060.11
185MS. Bianca My Love of Glenna' GablesF0.200.050.04
186My Eyes Adore You Of Unforgettable BiewersF0.42-0.100.16
187Mystic Merlin of Gear AcresM0.32-0.060.02
188Mystique HollyF0.39-0.060.07
191Nelson of American BiewersM0.240.030.11
192Nimfeya Von Weisse Orchidee - Fairy GlennF0.310.01-0.08
193Noodle of American BiewersF0.30-0.010.09
194October Sky of American BiewersF0.320.02-0.07
195Only You From My Beautiful TribeM0.48-0.090.15
196Oriana of American BiewersF0.220.000.12
197Parker Tee of American BiewersM0.42-0.100.02
198Peeless Sccuess Snow AvalanchF0.39-0.01-0.04
199Penelope of Sweet DevilF0.38-0.05-0.15
200Popcorn of American BiewersF0.22-0.010.28
201PotiJohn's Puppy Love Everlasting RoseF0.320.00-0.03
202Princess Ariel of Teddy Bear Faces of FloridaF0.44-0.100.06
203Proper Jewel Snow AvalancheM0.44-0.020.05
204Quite Pleasing to the EyesF0.60-0.160.01
205QVC of American BiewersM0.410.00-0.03
206Rainbow Valley Basilio Mighty KingM0.210.050.10
207Razz of American BiewersF0.38-0.05-0.04
208Ricky Doo of American BiewersF0.34-0.040.03
209Riley of Haus Von Living MagickM0.34-0.050.16
210Ruby Loo of American BiewersF0.290.040.01
211Sabrina of American BiewersF0.230.08-0.15
212Semper Fi of American BiewersM0.26-0.030.23
213Serenity of American BiewersF0.240.07-0.08
215Shake It Up Billie Jo of American BiewersF0.180.000.31
216Shape of a Heart My Insatiable LoveF0.45-0.07-0.03
217Shatiba Velori BimboM0.170.030.25
218Shayley's Glenn From My Beautiful TribeF0.300.00-0.02
219Shiroon of American BiewersF0.40-0.060.01
220Show Kurazh YunaF0.22-0.030.35
221Signature's I Gotta Crush On YouM0.160.09-0.24
222Simauta Dess Xtra Special XavierM0.320.02-0.25
223Sir Cosmo (Rocky Mountain Biewer Terriers)M0.200.020.20
224Slakii Malchik Linus From My Beautiful TribeM0.38-0.02-0.16
225Snow Kurazh NinelF0.35-0.02-0.05
227Southern Belle of Little Tuff BiewersF0.31-0.030.22
228Strait Layne's Heart of Music CityM0.320.04-0.25
229Sugar & Spice Heart & SoulF0.280.030.04
230Sugarbabe's JourneyF0.290.01-0.08
231Sunkissed Biewers AvaF0.160.020.09
232Susy Q of Southern Belle BiewersF0.26-0.050.24
233Thuringia Attraction GloryF0.230.02-0.04
234Truman of American BiewersM0.26-0.010.17
235Uniqueness of American BiewersF0.34-0.020.09
236Unitee of American BiewersF0.27-0.030.13
237Upton of American BiewersM0.290.04-0.02
238Usher of American BiewersM0.46-0.070.14
239Utah of American BiewersF0.46-0.05-0.05
240Utara of American BiewersF0.30-0.040.21
241Vanity of American BiewersF0.37-0.030.03
243Windsong's Knows It By HeartM0.47-0.01-0.17
244Windsong's Ravishing In Ruby slippersF0.210.07-0.02
245Windsong's Save The Last DanceF0.270.010.04
246Xenia Wonder of the WorldF0.38-0.080.10
247Zeeva of American BiewersF0.28-0.060.20
248Zoe (Rocky Mountain Biewer Terriers)F0.170.060.10

Active BetterBred Breeders:

KennelWebsiteState or ProvinceCountry
SonzaWebsiteAustralian Capital TerritoryAUS