Flat-Coated Retriever

Temperament: Happy, confident, intelligent. Active working dog. Good with children and dogs. Sheds seasonally and needs occasional grooming. Highly biddable.

Height: 23-24.5 inches (male), 22-23.5 inches (female)

Weight: 60-70 pounds

Life Span: 8 - 10 years

Breed Average Outlier Index: 0.25

Breed Average Genetic Relatedness: 0.00

Breed Average Internal Relatedness: 0.01

Last 10 Recently Added Public Dogs!

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Wingmaster X Games F0.260.010.01
2 Kistryl Jim Beam's Devil Went Down to Georgia F0.220.030.04
3 Embermist Total Eclipse Of The Heart F0.21-0.030.23
4GCH CH Embermist Rose Quartz Royale F0.200.030.06
5 Norsen's Maltese Falcon M0.240.03-0.14
6 Biehkan Kuuraketti F0.29-0.01-0.13
7 Muddyflats Renegade Rider M0.180.080.04
8 Muddyflats Rave'N Dance at Blueflag M0.240.09-0.26
9 Blazingstar Most Wanted F0.220.03-0.03
10 Valorana Duenorth Bells N' Whistles F0.230.020.09

Flat coated retrievers were developed in the UK to be hunting bird dogs from ancestors imported from North America like the St. John’s water dog and the Newfoundland. Founders also included collie-like dogs and Setters. The breed was officially recognized in 1915. Only a small number of dogs existed after World War II, but careful management by breeders brought their numbers back up. This suggests evidence of at least one bottleneck in the population.

Breed Standard coming soon!'

Breed Specific Diseases: Hemangiosarcoma, Lymphoma, Osteosarcoma and other cancers

Flat Coated Retrievers have only a comparatively small portion of the diversity that exists today in modern village dogs, evidence of one or more genetic bottlenecks in the breed. One half of Flat Coated Retrievers, when assessed with village dogs, had IR values that ranged from +0.304 to +0.633. Since the average IR of offspring of full siblings is 0.25, that means that half of Flat Coats when compared to village dogs are more inbred than dogs whose parents are full siblings. This highlights the necessity for Flat Coated Retriever breeders to be very careful to avoid further overall inbreeding which leads to further loss of diversity.

The population of 190 Flat-Coated Retrievers first tested had an average number of alleles of 5.182. This number is low compared to other breeds that have been tested, once again confirming that there is a low level of genome wide genetic diversity in the breed. The mean effective alleles per locus were 2.592, also one of the lower effective allele values that we have observed. However, the distance between the average and effective alleles shows the breed community has done a reasonably good job of retaining what diversity exists.

Flat Coated Retrievers have only a comparatively small portion of the diversity that exists today in modern village dogs, evidence of one or more genetic bottlenecks in the breed. One half of Flat Coated Retrievers, when assessed with village dogs, had IR values that ranged from +0.304 to +0.633. Since the average IR of offspring of full siblings is 0.25, that means that half of Flat Coats when compared to village dogs are more inbred than dogs whose parents are full siblings. This highlights the necessity for Flat Coated Retriever breeders to be very careful to avoid further overall inbreeding which leads to further loss of diversity.

Nine STR-associated DLA Class I and 10 DLA Class II haplotypes in 292 Flat-Coated Retrievers have currently been found. Two Class I haplotypes are unique to the breed (1142 and 1143) while all the others have also been found in other breeds. This is the second lowest amount of DLA found to date in a breed.

The follow includes dogs with birthdates listed in the database.

DLA Haplotypes in the Breed

The Dog Leukocyte Antigen or DLA is the region in the canine genome that controls the immune system, among other things. There are three classes or areas, and the VGL Canine Diversity Test genotypes or records the two regions with the most variation. Because it is an area that mutates more rapidly than others, the method VGL uses is ideal for identifying specific combinations of DNA, and not merely showing whether a dog inherited two of the same sets of genetics from its parents or two different ones.

"Haplotype" is a generic name for a set of genes that are bound together and inherited as a set. The DLA Class I and Class II haplotypes are very tightly bound and represent about 2 million base pairs of DNA - a sizeable chunk. These two haplotypes together make an extended haplotype that is nearly always passed from parent to puppies as a pair. We therefore have two tables below showing both the combinations of DLA found in this breed and how often they appear, and also how often they appear individually.

Remember that frequency percentages do not show how many dogs carry them, but rather how many of these haplotypes exist in the breed as a whole. Every dog has two sets of DLA haplotypes, one inherited from dam, and one inherited from sire. These almost never recombine in new generations.

DLA Class I/Class II Combinations :

Class I HaplotypeClass II HaplotypeFrequency in the Breed

DLA Frequencies :

ClassHaplotypeFrequency in the Breed
Class I101743.47%
Class I10330.07%
Class I10350.54%
Class I105411.16%
Class I10550.07%
Class I106829.73%
Class I10920.14%
Class I114214.08%
Class I11430.34%
Class I11710.07%
Class I11990.34%
Class II200314.83%
Class II200540.95%
Class II20142.59%
Class II201814.15%
Class II202211.63%
Class II205315.65%
Class II20660.07%
Class II20830.14%


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List of Public Dogs

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1Acadia's Chocolate DiamondF0.20-0.090.15
2Affinity Great ExpectationsM0.290.00-0.11
3Affinity HighlightM0.29-0.02-0.05
4Affinity Wet Your WhistleF0.250.09-0.07
5Affinity Winter MoonlightM0.230.06-0.11
6Alidar Finders KeepersM0.35-0.05-0.06
7Alidar GoldikovaF0.28-0.020.08
8Alidar I Love a ParadeM0.34-0.110.07
9Alidar I'm A ChatterboxF0.23-0.040.12
10Alidar Jitterbug PerfumeF0.230.07-0.11
11Alidar Kosmic MoonbeamF0.230.06-0.11
12Allegro Rock Me on the WaterM0.210.020.15
13Almanza Strike A PoseF0.340.02-0.25
14Almanza The Bitch Is BackF0.260.020.06
15Aneyron A One Night StandF0.150.070.13
16Angelusparks II Heulwen DavinaF0.210.10-0.12
17Angelusparks IV Joie de VivreF0.38-0.10-0.02
18Applegarth Exeter Halo N HornsF0.36-0.110.03
19Aquarius Black BriantaM0.23-0.050.29
20Argon's Jedi NightM0.270.05-0.11
21Argon's The Adoration of the MagiM0.33-0.110.31
22Artic Sun Winds of ChangeM0.31-0.04-0.03
23Artic Sun's Word On The StreetM0.280.01-0.03
24Artic Suns Pursuing The DreamM0.27-0.010.06
25Athercroft InquesoemergencyM0.260.03-0.13
26Athercroft Lettuce Romaine CalmM0.48-0.15-0.08
27Athercroft QuesorahsorahF0.32-0.180.24
28Athercroft Shake Your DjiboutiF0.32-0.070.11
29Athercroft's Sioux Tanka's Icimani OnwardF0.30-0.05-0.09
30Banquo's Bullet The Blue SkyM0.360.00-0.19
31Berncroft Zestar EmerynnF0.25-0.020.17
32Bertschire Aangel In DisguiseF0.27-0.030.01
33Bertschire Bbling Is The New BlackF0.31-0.040.11
34Bertschire Black BirdM0.230.010.10
35Bertschire California MoonlightM0.200.04-0.07
36Bertschire Cool as a CucumberM0.33-0.02-0.15
37Bertschire Helluva HurricaneF0.220.05-0.05
38Bertschire Honeymoon Magic F0.180.010.10
39Bertschire IndependenceM0.180.10-0.03
40Bertschire Just An AngelF0.210.06-0.06
41Bertschire Licks Like Sugar For KistrylF0.24-0.080.24
42Bertschire PyromaniaM0.280.000.02
43Bertschire Wonders Never CeaseF0.270.010.01
44Bertschire's Return To SenderF0.21-0.01-0.02
45Bertschire's Triple PlayM0.29-0.03-0.06
46Bertschire's Vixen In VersacheF0.150.09-0.05
47Biehkan KuurakettiF0.29-0.01-0.13
48Blacfriar Dark Crystal At SwiftwaterF0.220.000.15
49Blacfriar Grace of SwiftwaterF0.33-0.110.22
50Blacfriar Hawkeye PierceM0.260.000.06
51Blacfriar SomethingroyalF0.250.00-0.01
52Blacfriar Valley of the MoonF0.110.010.30
53Black Amandas Tempting ChocolateF0.210.09-0.15
54Black Diamond Mr Knightly at HeronbeckM0.140.070.17
55Black Editions DeerhunterM0.26-0.02-0.07
56BlackGamin Kana'tiF0.220.04-0.06
57Blacklace Grand Mere Uptown GirlF0.29-0.020.12
58Blacklace PowderhoundM0.35-0.12-0.01
59Blacklace Star Over GondolinF0.40-0.120.04
60Blackstone Someone's in the Kitchen With DinahF0.32-0.120.27
61Blacktoft Sapphire Ice at BenvellynF0.150.070.28
62Blacktoft TangoM0.25-0.030.22
63Blacnflat Eastcapade On CanvasM0.23-0.030.04
64Blazin's Off-Road Drive'nM0.25-0.010.03
65Blazingstar AerodynamicF0.210.010.10
66Blazingstar Back EastM0.310.01-0.01
67Blazingstar Baffin BayF0.250.05-0.02
68Blazingstar BernoulliM0.270.01-0.07
69Blazingstar Black BubblyF0.30-0.01-0.06
70Blazingstar Black IncaF0.30-0.040.15
71Blazingstar Brown BuffalobeanF0.31-0.08-0.07
72Blazingstar Brown ConeflowerF0.30-0.130.26
73Blazingstar Brown ShrikeF0.160.09-0.11
74Blazingstar CalliopeF0.28-0.060.14
75Blazingstar Cooper's HawkeF0.180.050.01
76Blazingstar Crimson TopazM0.20-0.050.34
77Blazingstar Fly SouthM0.280.02-0.02
78Blazingstar GalweyM0.210.030.00
79Blazingstar Hudson BayM0.210.06-0.07
80Blazingstar King EiderM0.220.05-0.06
81Blazingstar Most WantedF0.220.03-0.03
82Blazingstar MuddyFlats NightscapeF0.210.060.09
83Blazingstar Northern HarrierM0.190.03-0.03
84Blazingstar OspreyM0.230.02-0.01
85Blazingstar PitchM0.160.020.17
86Blazingstar Prairie RoseF0.220.020.05
87Blazingstar Prairie SmokeF0.150.090.02
88Blazingstar PuffinF0.19-0.010.21
89Blazingstar Rain BirdF0.220.020.00
90Blazingstar Rain BootsM0.20-0.020.26
91Blazingstar Rain DelayF0.28-0.060.29
92Blazingstar Rain ProofM0.130.050.28
93Blazingstar RainbowF0.23-0.060.27
94Blazingstar Royal SunangelM0.230.08-0.06
95Blazingstar TinbergenM0.240.000.08
96Blazingstar Triton BayM0.260.02-0.04
97Blazingstar True NorthM0.25-0.010.08
98Blazingstar Westlin WindsM0.32-0.090.12
100Born To Be Wild Ceresna LipovM0.240.020.07
101Bramatha Under PressureF0.30-0.050.05
102Brdzthewrd Welcome to Shangri laM0.29-0.010.07
103Breezy Hill's Broadway SpellboundM0.27-0.040.07
104Briarpatch Lily Of The ValleyF0.220.04-0.05
105Briarpatch Red KaleM0.260.03-0.03
106Briarpatch ScillaF0.220.040.01
107Brightmoor Snow PatrolM0.34-0.060.00
108Bristol's JourneyF0.27-0.070.15
109Bristol's Karibbean Queen Of CalypsoF0.260.02-0.25
110Bushman Trouble IsM0.170.050.25
111Butterblac's Goodnight MoonF0.40-0.100.03
112Butterblac's Turn Back TimeF0.25-0.050.14
113Caci's She's ManeaterF0.31-0.06-0.06
114Caleb of SanderlingM0.230.03-0.13
115Casblaidd Over the LineM0.200.000.06
116Casblaidd Xceptionally FancyF0.23-0.010.20
117Catori Chocolate Surprise F0.180.08-0.12
118Catori-Saudades First Forbidden EscapeF0.27-0.050.10
119Catori-Saudades Second Bite of the AppleM0.130.050.23
120Ceilidh Fall Into GraceF0.240.010.06
121Ceilidh Field of DreamsF0.26-0.060.04
122Ceilidh For Love of the GameM0.210.010.00
123Ceilidh Force of NatureF0.230.02-0.05
124Ceilidh Irish EyesM0.230.04-0.04
125Ceilidh Irish MistF0.25-0.040.00
126Ceilidh Wild Irish RoseF0.31-0.04-0.11
127Citrus Hill All RiseF0.19-0.020.12
128Citrus Hill Checkered FlagF0.110.060.17
129Citrus Hill Golden CelebrationF0.18-0.010.21
130Citrus Hill Green Light GoF0.18-0.040.21
131Citrus Hill In The ZoneF0.18-0.010.02
132Citrus Hill Look At MeF0.200.010.16
133Citrus Hill Magnus YlvaF0.110.16-0.02
134Citrus Hill Remington M0.200.03-0.07
135Citrus Hill Shelby MustangF0.120.120.00
136Citrus Hill Silver Surfer BlackM0.180.080.04
137Citrus Hill Stone MasonM0.170.03-0.01
138Citrus Hill Take It To The LimitF0.160.11-0.03
139Citrus Hill's Black PepperM0.150.100.00
140Citrus Hill's Tag AlongM0.23-0.070.13
141Clarenjoy Caris Of KingsbridgeF0.40-0.08-0.08
142Clarenjoy Yahtaris Ice Moon RisingM0.20-0.060.17
143Clarenjoy's Jester Progeny De GooseM0.36-0.090.07
144Clearwater Summer Night DreamM0.220.000.11
145Clocktower Izar (AK2)M0.34-0.120.19
146Clocktower Nelson MandellaM0.260.02-0.08
147Coastalight All My LovingF0.23-0.070.24
148Coastalight Crown JewelF0.27-0.03-0.10
149Coastalight Free SpiritM0.280.01-0.12
150Coastalight Guns and NosesM0.27-0.070.18
151Coastalight Hit The Road JackM0.25-0.010.01
152Coastalight Island Highway M0.30-0.04-0.06
153Coastalight Itza MysteryM0.320.07-0.12
154Coastalight Ptarmigan StarF0.31-0.070.02
155Coastalight Scenic Rte EmerynnF0.230.05-0.05
156Coastalight SpitfireF0.350.00-0.12
157Coastalight Toodoggone MuchM0.30-0.01-0.02
158Color Palette JP Dearest LalaM0.250.01-0.09
159Cornerstone Bella Donna De La Mer At MagnoliaF0.25-0.050.13
160Covellyn's Dublin Driver by WfsM0.200.060.23
161Dare You To Stroke a ChequeF0.33-0.06-0.14
162Dare's Royal Troon M0.320.00-0.15
163Dare's Smarter Than A 5th GraderF0.28-0.140.27
164Dare's Victory FourtoldM0.18-0.010.01
165Dare's You Quack Me UpF0.180.050.00
166Darkflame Mountain MeadowrueM0.260.03-0.05
167Darkwater All That GlittersM0.29-0.02-0.02
168DaySpring Lucky PennyM0.220.08-0.11
169DesertFire BrigitF0.27-0.090.25
170DesertFire GabijaF0.220.000.20
171DesertFire GrannusF0.210.020.15
172Desertfire Pele Uhane-AhiF0.22-0.040.16
173Desertfire SvarozicM0.27-0.110.26
174Destiny As Good As It GetsM0.28-0.04-0.01
175Diamond Beauty Rock On FireF0.19-0.030.18
176Dowerky I Hope You DanceF0.29-0.060.04
177Dowerky Ramblin Road BrewF0.180.04-0.01
178Dowerky Shall We DanceF0.240.04-0.06
179DueNorth A Hard Day's NightM0.270.010.06
180Duenorth Black BombshellF0.190.040.08
181Duenorth Cosmic EncounterM0.39-0.01-0.06
182Duenorth Didja EverF0.27-0.050.02
183Duenorth Emerald IsleF0.32-0.01-0.10
184Duenorth Emerald TwistM0.180.09-0.17
185Duenorth Flare for SpringF0.300.00-0.02
186Duenorth Flyin Higher N HigherM0.360.01-0.25
187Duenorth Guess WhoF0.320.02-0.03
188DueNorth High Altitude, RN BN CGCF0.280.04-0.22
189Duenorth Music is MagicM0.26-0.030.18
190Duenorth Some Like it HotF0.200.020.04
191Duenorth Spring LoadedM0.34-0.050.06
192Duenorth Summer High JinxF0.200.03-0.02
193Duenorth Tag your ItF0.28-0.040.18
194DueNorth The Music ManM0.28-0.110.34
195Duenorth Working ManM0.250.04-0.11
196Dutch D'Votion Art Of Being An AngelM0.25-0.010.08
197Eagletarn Call of the WildF0.210.06-0.02
198Eagletarn Country SongF0.340.01-0.18
199Eagletarn Great Five PennyM0.32-0.060.02
200Eagletarn Merry Man JaxM0.210.09-0.06
201Eagletarn Mistral WindM0.170.12-0.10
202Eagletarn One Of The FewM0.40-0.190.21
203Eagletarn Radford's ForrestM0.26-0.070.06
204Eagletarn Shine A LightM0.26-0.050.05
205Eagletarn Witchy WomanF0.260.02-0.11
206Eaglewind Its A Wonderful LifeF0.40-0.05-0.10
207Eaglewind's Peppermint PattyF0.37-0.03-0.13
208Eaglewind's Sugarplum FairyF0.250.010.01
209Ebonaire King in BlackM0.260.010.03
210Echoic Xtra ToppingsF0.29-0.030.00
211Eden Instant KarmaM0.29-0.08-0.08
212Eden PhenomenonF0.25-0.100.06
213Eden Tempting Fate at Southwinds M0.32-0.050.09
214Embermist Legend Of Huntley MeadowsF0.31-0.06-0.02
215Embermist Rose Quartz RoyaleF0.200.030.06
216Embermist Total Eclipse Of The HeartF0.21-0.030.23
217Endeavor Doppler Storm AlertF0.27-0.050.04
218Epice du Val des GrangesF0.230.030.09
219Exacum Dansa Min DockaF0.35-0.080.09
220Exeter's Cash MountainF0.30-0.05-0.14
221Exeter's Flying FortressM0.24-0.080.16
222Exeter's Learning To FlyF0.32-0.04-0.01
223Exeter's Ringside ChatterF0.33-0.04-0.04
224Fall Flight's Blue RodeoM0.30-0.01-0.18
225Fancy's Sun Streaming Thru CloudsF0.36-0.11-0.08
226Fancy's The Rays of Jacob's LadderM0.34-0.02-0.13
227Favor's Crocodile RockM0.200.050.13
228Favor's Jelly Roll's Red Hot PepperM0.280.000.07
229Favor's Maple Leaf RagF0.220.000.17
230Favor's Rocket ManM0.240.06-0.05
231Featherstone's Night Bird's Song of ZimzalaF0.24-0.090.21
232Fishercreeks A Shore ThingM0.35-0.090.06
233Fishercreeks Changes in L-AttitudesF0.36-0.160.19
234Fishercreeks Genuine RiskF0.32-0.110.22
235Fishercreeks Love at First SightF0.23-0.020.21
236Fishercreeks Sight of the SunM0.170.09-0.02
237Fishercreeks Take a Chance on MeF0.240.000.07
238Flashback Back In BlackM0.30-0.03-0.01
239Flashback One Toke Over the LineF0.250.03-0.10
240Flashback's Sweet Talkin' GuyM0.270.010.11
241Flat Castle's Aristolochia DuriorM0.170.070.12
242Flat Castle's Blissful Blue OceanM0.280.040.01
243Flat Castle's Blue Ocean BayouF0.37-0.060.06
244Flat Castle's Exi All The TimeF0.160.010.26
245Flat Castle's Happy Choc-ToffM0.200.08-0.02
246Flat Castle's Ixon Brown BoyM0.220.06-0.07
247Flatcastle's King of the BluesM0.43-0.11-0.18
248Flatcharms Serious PigM0.29-0.030.08
249Flatford Ruffles & FlourishesM0.18-0.030.06
250Flatgold's Storming HeartF0.23-0.030.02
251FlatOut Celtic's DreamM0.34-0.070.03
252FlatOut Fuzzy Green FruitF0.270.07-0.31
253FlatOut Had I HeardF0.38-0.01-0.32
254FlatOut In The BagM0.21-0.030.28
255FlatOut Just Keeping the Dream AliveF0.23-0.010.06
256FlatOut Kanned LaughterM0.31-0.01-0.05
257Flatout Kansas City StripM0.26-0.090.19
258FlatOut Little MiteF0.37-0.060.01
259Flatout Mad Nassau PirateM0.270.02-0.02
260FlatOut Make N Life EasierF0.34-0.040.00
261Flatout MVPM0.26-0.030.03
262Flatterhaft I Drove All Night M0.26-0.030.07
263Flatterhaft Nike EverclearM0.42-0.10-0.07
264Flatterhaft Sweetwoods ParkF0.270.04-0.14
265Flatterhaft The Music Of The NightM0.250.02-0.13
266Fleetwing's Fly Me To The MoonF0.270.010.00
267Fleetwing's Force Of The MoonM0.190.09-0.13
268Fleetwing's Magic CharmF0.220.05-0.11
269Fleetwing's Singular SensationF0.240.02-0.12
270Flyway Farm Ready to Believe at FlashbackM0.24-0.03-0.02
271Flyway Farm's Single GirlF0.290.04-0.11
272Flyway Farm's Winter Storm WarningM0.31-0.020.05
273Flyway Farms Banner Over SanderlingF0.130.030.19
274Flyway Farms Down In The ValleyF0.200.050.05
275Flyway Farms Hazard To NavigationM0.250.01-0.01
276Flyway Farms Kesey's Merry PranksterM0.200.10-0.27
277Flyway Farms Living in a State of GraceF0.27-0.010.06
278Flyway Farms Make Mine A Double KennedyF0.24-0.090.29
279Flyway Farms Maximum Bang For The BuckM0.220.040.03
280Flyway Farms Raven's Merry PranksterF0.270.00-0.17
281Flyway Farms Silly On SazeracsM0.21-0.060.39
282Flyway Farms Sweet Saison SilhouetteF0.18-0.040.38
283Flyway Farms Templeton RyeM0.220.020.00
284Forbidden Love z Mokre HoryF0.26-0.070.28
285Fox Creek Fireside By The ThamesF0.20-0.010.01
286Fox Creek's Black ArrowM0.180.10-0.15
287Freestyles Polaris at BlueflagF0.32-0.120.25
288Friia Agnar TanseyM0.150.070.09
289Gamekeepers Prince CharmingM0.260.01-0.07
290Gamekeepers Ravenswood Time-TurnerF0.240.000.13
291Glainddu's CariadF0.33-0.060.00
292Glainddu's Light My FireM0.27-0.05-0.05
293Glainddu's To Light A CandleF0.24-0.020.04
294Grand Mere Northern ArchM0.230.050.04
295Grand Mere Queen of MysteryF0.21-0.010.01
296Grand Mere Secret of the MansionF0.24-0.02-0.13
297Grand Mere She's So CaliforniaF0.36-0.150.13
298Grand Mere Straight From The HeartF0.36-0.160.04
299Grandmere Destiny It's a Wonderful LifeM0.280.03-0.09
300Grousemoor Blue Moon Rise'nF0.280.02-0.02
301Grousemoor Finding NeverlandF0.180.040.05
302Grousemoor High SierraF0.180.08-0.01
303Grousemoor Pinot NoirM0.150.050.03
304Grousemoor Wing ZingF0.25-0.070.01
305Grousemoor WintersongF0.32-0.050.05
306Gucci AmyflattF0.130.080.08
307Gwenadillo Seeka's StarM0.27-0.030.18
308Gwenrose Betcha By Golly WowM0.250.03-0.04
309Hallatonoak RoburM0.260.03-0.15
310Hawk Of Krieger's RidgeM0.32-0.060.02
311Heilurihannan Fuel For LifeF0.260.010.20
312Heirborn Above The LawM0.240.020.01
313Heirborn Chewy Says It AllF0.53-0.230.14
314Heirborn Creme De La CremeM0.28-0.100.26
315Heirborn Every Black Cloud Has A Silver LiningM0.27-0.040.07
316Heirborn Finadelphia Creme CheeseM0.230.000.17
317Heirborn Prhyme AttractionF0.36-0.07-0.05
318Heirborn Rock EyeconM0.260.03-0.07
319Heirborn Yule Remember MeM0.180.060.13
320Heronbeck HatildaF0.250.01-0.08
321High Valley Crest RelativelyEinsteinM0.340.03-0.30
322Highpoint 2 BrownM0.180.06-0.05
323Highpoint 2 PurpleF0.200.13-0.26
324Highpoint 3 BeigeF0.17-0.010.17
325Highpoint Ace of HeartsF0.29-0.03-0.12
326Highpoint BelieverF0.220.07-0.23
327Highpoint Dotti BF0.15-0.060.28
328Highpoint-Radford All InM0.180.05-0.01
329Hopevalley Morning BarnumM0.180.080.13
330Huntlane Blue Note LegacyM0.23-0.030.08
331Huntlane Boston Tea PartyF0.29-0.02-0.05
332Huntlane Kettle LakesM0.23-0.020.08
333Huntlane Moonlight SonataF0.240.02-0.13
334Huntlane NoteworthyF0.290.00-0.11
335Huntlane Sorority PartyF0.210.07-0.11
336Huntlover's Readymade From DenmarkM0.300.00-0.01
337Indulgent Bomb CycloneM0.39-0.04-0.07
338Indulgent Purple HazeM0.250.00-0.12
339Indulgent RiaganF0.240.05-0.07
340Indulgent Savannah CycloneF0.34-0.01-0.09
341Indulgent Spirit of the DanceF0.220.04-0.04
342Inglis Above The SkyM0.200.07-0.02
343Inglis Chanda's Magical LightF0.170.070.08
344Inglis Eagletarn Galiano GalF0.200.09-0.11
345Inglis Kountry SkyeF0.160.040.20
346Inglis Shoot For The StarsM0.280.04-0.13
347Inglis The Falconeious StarM0.280.08-0.11
348Inspired Poetry in MotionF0.170.010.15
349Inspired's Guilty PleasuresM0.170.05-0.02
350Ironwood Be Quick or Be DeadF0.210.010.05
351Ironwood Be Quick or Be DeadF0.13-0.040.32
352Itzawhat's Just An Otter Day In ParadiseF0.160.110.09
353Jackswish Celestial StormM0.19-0.040.21
354Jazz'D In Top Hat And TailsM0.250.000.00
355Jazz'd Rhythm and Blues (Jazz)F0.240.08-0.11
356Jazzanraga WarriorM0.35-0.110.19
357Johnnie Walker Black BriantaM0.200.000.27
358Jubilee Black IrishM0.20-0.030.27
359Karasail Dancing in the ReignM0.31-0.060.02
360Kincavel's EarlySunRise@PrairieFlatsF0.43-0.160.20
361Kingsbridge A Lick And A PromiseF0.32-0.03-0.14
362Kingsbridge Handfull Of TreatsF0.40-0.170.18
363Kippenhill Home Is Where The Heart IsM0.250.010.01
364Kistryl Captain AmericaM0.170.010.10
365Kistryl Cloak & Dagger from LibertyM0.36-0.04-0.19
366Kistryl Clocks Fall BackM0.35-0.06-0.05
367Kistryl Dutch MochaM0.29-0.02-0.07
368Kistryl Fireside Coming Around AgainF0.38-0.120.07
369Kistryl Happy TogetherM0.110.080.13
370Kistryl I SpyF0.160.060.08
371Kistryl Jim Beam's Devil Went Down to GeorgiaF0.220.030.04
372Kistryl Kansas City RoosF0.270.03-0.10
373Kistryl Leggo My EggoM0.36-0.14-0.01
374Kistryl Lightening Strikes TwiceF0.28-0.040.04
375Kistryl Maker's MarkM0.30-0.02-0.06
376Kistryl Mint MochaM0.320.01-0.11
377Kistryl MSU SpartansM0.230.14-0.28
378Kistryl Ocean Aged At VictoryF0.200.07-0.11
379Kistryl Ona Swedish HolidayF0.140.16-0.22
380Kistryl Pilgrim's FeastF0.42-0.140.10
381Kistryl Shining In The DarknessF0.220.010.05
382Kistryl Shoots and LaddersM0.260.05-0.18
383Kistryl Skating on Thin IceF0.180.070.00
384Kistryl Starlight StarbrightF0.210.060.01
385Kistryl Sweet LarcenyF0.220.02-0.03
386Kistryl Telltail FandangoF0.13-0.020.26
387Kistryl Telltail To Infinity And BeyondM0.31-0.04-0.02
388Kistryl TempestM0.170.050.09
389Kistryl ToffeeF0.220.14-0.21
390Kistryl Twice As NiceF0.26-0.010.12
391Kistryl US Olympic RowingM0.27-0.030.03
392Kistryl Yall By BertschireF0.25-0.030.00
393KR Lt PurpleF0.250.03-0.22
394KR WhiteF0.250.03-0.22
395Krieger's Ridge Alfred the GreatM0.230.03-0.11
396Krieger's Ridge Autumn FlyteM0.26-0.100.25
397Krieger's Ridge Bailey's Irish CreamM0.220.01-0.07
398Krieger's Ridge Dover the MoonM0.230.00-0.03
399Krieger's Ridge Emersyn SageF0.29-0.08-0.05
400Krieger's Ridge Finian's RainbowM0.42-0.08-0.05
401Krieger's Ridge Girl's Night OutF0.300.00-0.20
402Krieger's Ridge He Who Rydes On The Winds Of TimeM0.230.020.12
403Krieger's Ridge Keeper of the StarsF0.21-0.04-0.06
404Krieger's Ridge Lady ChatsworthF0.41-0.200.18
405Krieger's Ridge Little Sister ScoutF0.260.03-0.15
406Krieger's Ridge LutaM0.260.04-0.16
407Krieger's Ridge Magical Bleu RavenF0.250.03-0.22
408Krieger's Ridge MahpiyaF0.240.010.11
409Krieger's Ridge Pink Champagne ZinniaF0.28-0.050.01
410Krieger's Ridge RemedeeF0.30-0.06-0.02
411Krieger's Ridge RoyM0.31-0.01-0.18
412Krieger's Ridge Sir Button ButtM0.36-0.07-0.21
413Krieger's Ridge SjobhanF0.240.04-0.12
414Krieger's Ridge Sound Of A Distant DrumM0.28-0.030.11
415Krieger's Ridge TatankaM0.25-0.020.07
416Krieger's Ridge Tor's LadM0.27-0.03-0.10
417Krieger's Ridge ToryF0.31-0.02-0.15
418Krieger's Ridge Walks With The WindM0.190.12-0.29
419Krieger's Ridge WanagiM0.180.060.04
420Krieger's Ridge WoniyaF0.160.060.12
421Krieger's Ridge Worth The WaitM0.29-0.070.00
422Krieger's Ridge ZaraF0.28-0.04-0.09
423Krieger's Ridge ZeeTooF0.29-0.100.12
424Krieger's Ridge Zitkala-SaF0.18-0.010.21
425Labrys Just One LookM0.250.00-0.13
426Larcan's Dolcetto Di KorimarF0.25-0.060.01
427Lemonade Joe z Mokre HoryM0.45-0.09-0.14
428Let Me Win Oasis of PeaceM0.260.040.07
429Liberty And Nothing MoreF0.200.01-0.07
430Liberty Boy Is A GemM0.270.06-0.14
431Liberty By The Dawn's Early LightF0.220.02-0.04
432Liberty Carolina WrenF0.250.03-0.18
433Liberty Crossing The DelawareF0.250.08-0.16
434Liberty Duel at DawnM0.230.10-0.12
435Liberty E Pluribus UnumF0.30-0.060.16
436Liberty Eagletarn Ebb TideF0.320.00-0.13
437Liberty Funky Soul ManM0.37-0.06-0.03
438Liberty Gallantly StreamingM0.280.01-0.05
439Liberty Granted At YorktownF0.240.04-0.09
440Liberty's Danger Zone to DowneyleeF0.240.03-0.13
441Liberty's Don't Fear the Reaper at DowneyleeM0.250.08-0.15
442Light-Foot's 1776F0.37-0.04-0.13
443Light-Foot's Bella NotteF0.27-0.04-0.02
444Light-Foot's BewitchedF0.210.030.09
445Light-foot's Dream BoatM0.280.00-0.02
446Light-Foot's Hells BellsF0.26-0.080.05
447Light-Foot's K2F0.34-0.120.16
448Light-Foot's Magical Mystery TourF0.39-0.04-0.18
449Light-Foot's Ready for ActionF0.25-0.040.02
450Light-foot's September Morn at RiverwindM0.27-0.040.13
451Light-Foot's Show TimeF0.36-0.03-0.05
452Loppladans Fanny FasanF0.210.05-0.01
453Mahinda DudleyM0.220.04-0.04
454Matlaras Mister BumbleM0.260.03-0.04
455Matlaras Rosa DartleF0.250.10-0.21
456Mclaren Me CrazyF0.260.010.07
457Meadowrue Step DancerF0.25-0.02-0.10
458Meadowrue Two To TangoF0.30-0.02-0.07
459Meadowrue VIPM0.22-0.01-0.07
460Midnight Lovers Kiss in the DarkF0.230.12-0.27
461Midsummer MustardseedF0.330.01-0.17
462Miss Mallorys Other Than BlackF0.25-0.02-0.05
463Moonstone Absolutely BertschireF0.180.030.10
464Moonstone All Bertschire MagicM0.140.08-0.03
465Moonstone Astrozombies Magical Mystery TourF0.140.030.09
466Moonstone Bright Light in the Idaho Night F0.23-0.010.05
467Moonstone Demons and WizardsF0.160.010.24
468Moonstone Dynamic Magical Idaho DirigibleF0.180.06-0.01
469Moonstone Enigma of WestwindM0.17-0.070.29
470Moonstone Eve At SanderlingF0.110.020.25
471Moonstone Excitable Magical BoyM0.18-0.01-0.03
472Moonstone Fantasy Green Idaho MagicF0.20-0.010.02
473Moonstone Faraway in the JungleM0.26-0.07-0.01
474Moonstone Flying Over the Black SeaF0.28-0.120.15
475MQ 1F0.220.08-0.19
476MQ 10M0.300.000.02
477MQ 2M0.210.020.06
478MQ 3M0.210.06-0.17
479MQ 4F0.170.060.07
480MQ 5F0.23-0.010.08
481MQ 6F0.170.030.10
482MQ 7F0.260.01-0.04
483MQ 8M0.190.10-0.12
484MQ 9F0.190.020.16
485MuddyFlats BokehM0.220.010.07
486Muddyflats CalahooM0.200.060.04
487MuddyFlats DarkroomF0.240.06-0.15
488Muddyflats Flying SoloF0.200.07-0.01
489Muddyflats GadsbyM0.150.15-0.14
490Muddyflats HuxleyM0.150.060.05
491Muddyflats HyloM0.210.05-0.08
492Muddyflats NightshadeF0.310.04-0.33
493Muddyflats Rave'N Dance at BlueflagM0.240.09-0.26
494Muddyflats Renegade RiderM0.180.080.04
495MuddyFlats Shutter SpeedF0.27-0.070.20
496Muddyflats WednesdayF0.280.04-0.15
497Nanomai JP Golden BouquetF0.33-0.04-0.12
498Noanarkin Fodiator AcutusM0.140.100.01
499Noanarkin Orcinus OrcaM0.180.06-0.07
500Norsen's Maltese FalconM0.240.03-0.14
501Northern Lights Articwys Over DenaliF0.34-0.080.10
502Northern Lights Happily Ever AfterF0.35-0.02-0.10
503Northern Lights Tracing the Spirit TrailM0.29-0.060.05
504Northfield's Let's Moon EmF0.150.060.08
505Northwood's All the Pretty GirlsF0.260.00-0.06
506Northwood's One Hellof An AmenF0.34-0.03-0.08
507Northwood's Wagon WheelM0.23-0.020.00
508Oakwood's Depth of FieldF0.280.06-0.14
509Oakwood's Lure Me To The LakesM0.210.11-0.22
510Oakwood's The Next Right ThingF0.29-0.020.01
511One Shining Fleetwing StarF0.24-0.040.00
512One Shining Hero Marc O'PoloM0.25-0.030.08
513Orenda On Top Of The WorldF0.300.05-0.21
514Orenda Ride The Ridgeline M0.22-0.020.18
515Orenda Trek Into The TaigaF0.26-0.03-0.04
516Orenda Wind In The WillowsF0.30-0.030.06
517Orenda Yahtaris Midnight ShikobaM0.320.03-0.33
518Paartal Pioneer's EOSF0.200.030.10
519Paartal Pioneer's GabriellaF0.250.02-0.04
520Pajanbeck Witch's SpellF0.24-0.040.22
521Paviland Cariad Mor BrialenF0.170.000.25
522Pemberly's Never SurrenderM0.29-0.06-0.07
523Pemberly's The Time is NowF0.32-0.07-0.10
524Pinnacle's Johnny RoccoM0.210.030.00
525Pinnacles Beach PeacemakerM0.110.060.03
526Prairielight All In The FamilyF0.160.040.22
527Prairielight LiontamerM0.200.050.08
528Prairielight PincianF0.200.08-0.12
529Presidential All About LincolnF0.28-0.01-0.07
530Presidential All About TaylorF0.280.02-0.09
531Presidential Because I'M MadisonF0.200.09-0.12
532Presidential Because I'M MckinleyF0.240.030.01
534Quillquest An Airtight AlibiM0.23-0.060.16
535Quills First ViolinistF0.44-0.05-0.28
536Quills Flight StatusM0.130.080.07
537Radford Autumn's EveF0.200.01-0.03
538Radford BomerangM0.25-0.05-0.04
539Radford CalleighF0.180.010.21
540Radford Dark MatterM0.36-0.03-0.17
541Radford Don't Ya Think I RockF0.250.08-0.18
542Radford Electric BlueM0.27-0.02-0.02
543Radford EvergreenM0.260.010.04
544Radford ForevermoreM0.320.00-0.18
545Radford Full Moon's FortuneF0.270.06-0.16
546Rainesgift Wax LyricalM0.090.110.15
547Rainshadow Rollin' on the RiverF0.320.02-0.22
548Ravenswood's Amazing GraceF0.230.000.07
550Rensai Legends Never DieF0.230.020.05
551Riverwind Kith and KinF0.29-0.01-0.05
552Rockyhill's Aces Are WildM0.33-0.01-0.25
553Rowansgaard Lemon TwistM0.130.080.17
554Rowansgaard Paint It BlackM0.190.040.06
555Rush's Always BelieveF0.29-0.090.21
556Rush's Beautiful IllusionF0.28-0.050.00
557Rush's Cameron CambridgeF0.300.01-0.06
558Rush's ConstellationOfOrionM0.28-0.03-0.06
559Rush's Don't Block the LiteF0.190.040.04
560Rush's Floating On A Moonbeam F0.180.03-0.01
561Rush's Full And Uncensored M0.210.07-0.07
562Rush's Instant KarmaF0.230.06-0.10
563Rush's Just Another Werewolf M0.200.07-0.19
564Rush's Just So MightyF0.210.030.02
565Rush's Keen and QuikM0.210.03-0.06
566Rush's Keepin Her Busy F0.230.04-0.04
567Rush's Kiss Me QuickF0.200.06-0.06
568Rush's Lite Up My LifeF0.160.040.15
569Rush's Q Up The BandM0.260.00-0.02
570Rush's Quik StepF0.24-0.040.03
571Rush's Set Up For SuccessM0.200.030.04
572Rush's True IllusionF0.230.05-0.16
573Rush's Victoria SecretF0.170.010.19
574Rush's Wild YonderM0.13-0.010.25
575Rush's Wrapped In MoonliteF0.190.11-0.07
576Rush's X's And O'sM0.190.04-0.05
577Rush's You Lil' StingerF0.200.040.00
578Ryegate's Let Me Entertain YouM0.220.000.16
579Ryvertowns More Than A MemoryF0.160.000.24
580Sanderling Eagles WingsM0.170.09-0.13
581Sanderling East of the JordanF0.170.08-0.12
582Sanderling ElijahM0.22-0.030.11
583Sanderling EternityF0.230.02-0.14
584Sanderling Everlasting LoveF0.200.07-0.02
585Sanderling Every Bird In The MountainsF0.180.07-0.08
586Sanderling Exceeding JoyF0.180.040.04
587Sanderling Expect A BlessingF0.27-0.01-0.08
588Sanderling EzkielM0.180.030.04
589Sanderling EzraM0.220.030.00
590Sanderling FaithF0.26-0.020.16
591Sanderling Fire On The MountainM0.21-0.010.15
592Sanderling For Such A Time As ThisF0.200.010.20
593Sanderling Free IndeedM0.180.12-0.18
594Saudade's JalapenoM0.210.010.20
595Saudades' Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love at ShannaraM0.220.06-0.06
596Saudades' I Walk The LineM0.250.04-0.04
597Saudades' Juicy FruitF0.37-0.070.03
598Saudades' Kafta KhashkhashF0.220.020.01
599Sedgeblac's Bahati NzuriM0.19-0.050.12
600Sedgeblac's Binti MzuriF0.25-0.070.09
601Shalyn Blue Skies At FlashbackF0.34-0.07-0.07
602Shalyn Sweet Virginia BreezeF0.200.05-0.04
603Shalyn's Ribbons and BluesM0.31-0.04-0.05
604Shannara's LoreleiF0.260.000.10
605Shasta BarrelofLaughsM0.190.01-0.03
606Shasta Brown TroutM0.080.090.28
607Shasta BrownstoneM0.220.010.00
608Shasta Encyclopedia BrownM0.27-0.100.20
609Shasta Fetcher in the RyeM0.130.08-0.01
610Shasta Heaven Sent To WestwindM0.39-0.11-0.05
611Shasta LeatherM0.31-0.100.04
612Shasta Meet And GreetF0.28-0.110.18
613Shasta P BeezleyF0.270.00-0.05
614Shasta Saving GraceF0.180.050.13
615Shasta ShawnikaF0.28-0.080.10
616Shasta Sirius BrownstoneF0.27-0.120.22
617Shasta's Stoney Castle by the Sea At K&LF0.130.060.04
618Shasta's Western SamuraiM0.110.050.19
619Shastas Written In The StarsM0.20-0.090.39
620ShiningSands Midnight RideM0.170.040.13
621Solstice Fly Away on my ZephyrF0.21-0.030.21
622Songdog Down TP EarthM0.38-0.06-0.14
623Songdog MuirburnM0.310.06-0.34
624Songdog Red Flag WarningF0.30-0.06-0.02
625Songdog WinterfireF0.180.050.01
626Spader Damen's AnjouM0.22-0.010.16
627SS litter BlueF0.300.05-0.21
628SS litter GreenF0.32-0.060.03
629SS litter Lt BlueF0.35-0.04-0.14
630SS litter MaroonF0.280.02-0.09
631SS litter OrangeF0.24-0.02-0.01
632SS litter PurpleF0.36-0.11-0.06
633SS litter YellowF0.30-0.04-0.10
634Steelriver Live For The SunM0.180.04-0.04
635Sterling Hill's Maximilion King of All Wild ThingsM0.230.08-0.13
636Stonewall's Great ExpectationsF0.200.050.09
637Stormwatch Enclave GenesisF0.210.000.13
638StormWatch She's Like the WindF0.20-0.020.26
639StormWatch The Wind and the LionM0.110.050.13
640Stratford's Love-In-IdlenessF0.200.010.01
641Summerhill National PastimeM0.290.05-0.16
642Swallowsflight Glencraig JaraM0.34-0.130.16
643Swallowsflight Icecool-CycloneM0.31-0.010.08
644Swallowsflight Safed by the BellM0.26-0.02-0.02
645Swallowsflight Saturday SurpriseF0.270.05-0.13
646Swiftwater Brilliant DisguiseM0.26-0.01-0.08
647Swiftwater Fooled You By A DayF0.33-0.07-0.01
648Swiftwater My Foolish HeartF0.33-0.02-0.17
649Swiftwater Redwing BlackbirdF0.28-0.05-0.03
650Swiftwater Steadfast FoolM0.28-0.060.09
651Swiftwater Tom FooleryM0.36-0.04-0.16
652Tag Along to the BackwoodsM0.170.020.11
653Tailwynd Short Circuit F0.220.000.02
654Talon of Krieger's RidgeM0.18-0.050.22
655Tamturi's Fantasy In TymeF0.240.12-0.19
656Telltail Enchanted Dreams Come TrueF0.27-0.080.05
657Telltail Flying on Magick CarpetF0.31-0.070.04
658TidexTripper lime green bitchnM0.250.010.02
659TidexTripper pink bitchM0.27-0.05-0.05
660TidexTripper purple bitchM0.26-0.030.02
661Timberblacs True BrewM0.220.04-0.14
662Timberblacs Wild Heart SoaringM0.240.06-0.02
663Torwood Ace DresserM0.32-0.100.00
664Tulipgrove One In A MillionF0.190.07-0.07
665Twilight Star's Don't Talk Just KissF0.220.040.00
666Twilight Star's Heaven Must Have Made UF0.29-0.02-0.01
667Valhala Down By The SeasideF0.32-0.070.01
668Valhala Sea StarF0.160.020.05
669Valhala's Tiny DancerF0.220.030.04
670Valley Crest Two-Headed EagleF0.270.00-0.05
671ValleyCrest King of CantripM0.31-0.090.15
672Valorana Duenorth Bells N' WhistlesF0.230.020.09
673Victory It's Outta HereM0.39-0.120.10
674Victory Just DessertsF0.220.01-0.06
675Victory Nutty PorterM0.23-0.010.01
676Victory's GolcondaM0.200.040.02
677Victory's High GradeM0.26-0.040.03
678Victory's High Wind WarningF0.22-0.010.12
679Victory's Jelly Side UpF0.270.07-0.22
680Victory's Just What the Doctor OrderedM0.180.11-0.13
681Victory's Ketch'n a StormF0.240.030.05
682Victory's Kodiak Grin and Bear ItM0.180.080.06
683Victory's Ocean ExplorerF0.250.05-0.05
684Victory's On the WingM0.310.02-0.11
685Victory's Outlaw Josey WailsM0.270.03-0.03
686Victory's Party Boat (Party)F0.210.13-0.19
687Victory's Perfect HarmonyF0.190.10-0.17
688Victory's Quidditch SeekerF0.200.040.05
689Victory's Quiet UptownM0.180.060.04
690Victory's Rock N RollF0.15-0.010.26
691Victory's Smooth SailingF0.180.020.19
692Wallcorner's LennM0.220.020.20
693Waunarun Joe CoolM0.170.030.13
694WaunaRun's Gypsy HeartF0.38-0.06-0.09
695Waunarun's Madame MirageF0.180.030.07
696Waunarun's Mario AndrettiM0.35-0.06-0.15
697Waunarun's Midnight SymphonyM0.28-0.02-0.07
698Waunarun's Prime MinisterF0.26-0.050.22
699Waunarun's You Put A Move On My HeartM0.42-0.180.04
700Weathervane Jim CantoreM0.220.040.00
701Westlawn Black JagM0.27-0.020.18
702Westlawn Blue Melody At RushF0.30-0.100.26
703Westlawn Free Born ManM0.26-0.110.12
704Westlawn Freedom To StayF0.26-0.060.00
705Westlawn Northernlites at RushF0.33-0.070.07
706Whazthat's Collector's Edition F0.28-0.04-0.07
707Whazthat's As Time Goes ByF0.38-0.06-0.23
708Whazthat's Time In Harmony M0.30-0.01-0.05
709Whitland Barley MowF0.170.030.20
710Whitland Nothing to DeclareF0.130.060.14
711Whitland One For the MoneyM0.25-0.050.00
712Whitland The London TraderM0.130.13-0.15
713Wind Dancer's Fortune HunterM0.180.050.09
714Wind Dancers All Stars and StripesM0.25-0.05-0.01
715Windfall's Once in a Blue MoonF0.210.04-0.06
716Windfall's Perpetual MotionM0.130.030.20
717Windfall's Puttin on the RitzF0.290.03-0.10
718Windfall's Que As Time Goes ByM0.27-0.01-0.16
719Windigo's All Dressed UpF0.40-0.11-0.10
720Windigo's SpellboundF0.47-0.04-0.30
721Windrose Pride and GloryM0.37-0.110.00
722Windrose Shared Moments of IndigoF0.40-0.10-0.04
723Windy Hill Apollo God Of LightM0.22-0.010.02
724Windy Hill Love Changes EverythingM0.270.05-0.22
725Wingmaster Nicodemus SanderlingM0.19-0.090.24
726Wingmaster Nightwatch Retro RodeoJoeM0.19-0.040.22
727Wingmaster Raisin' Cain At KistrylF0.26-0.01-0.06
728Wingmaster Shoot to Thrill KeltwynM0.34-0.060.02
729Wingmaster X GamesF0.260.010.01
730Wingmaster's PeriwinkleF0.20-0.040.20
731Wingover Ready Or NotM0.38-0.03-0.16
732Wingover's Potentium PhilosophyM0.300.07-0.18
733Woodfinch Dark Island at BristolM0.260.030.06
734Wyncliff Legacy of the Black WidowF0.200.020.05
735Wyncliff Taking the Day OffM0.130.050.17
736Wyncliff's Agent of ShieldM0.22-0.020.03
737Wyncliff's Black VelvetF0.32-0.060.05
738Wyncliff's Gen of TamturiF0.150.080.07
739Wyncliff's Lock Up Your DaughtersM0.220.08-0.13
740Wyncliff's MCQ Mercury RisingF0.170.080.01
741Wyncliff's No Rules For MeF0.34-0.180.33
742Wyncliff's Winter MagicM0.31-0.080.09
743Wyndhams Sweet N' SassyF0.30-0.070.02
744Wyndswept Live It UpF0.200.07-0.12
745Wyreriver's Charles Parker InvincibleM0.19-0.010.16
746Yahtaris I Believe In MiraclesM0.250.01-0.02
747Yonsaff Irresistable (Bliss)F0.230.050.09
748Zia Zinzilla Black BriantaF0.24-0.010.32
749Zimzala Gem of Chrysolite GreenF0.29-0.070.08
750Zimzala Good SpiritM0.32-0.02-0.08
751Zimzala I'm Your AngelF0.36-0.080.10
752Zimzala Nightstar Angel Of AntaresF0.30-0.01-0.12
753Zimzala Prince of PeaceM0.25-0.010.11

Active BetterBred Breeders:

KennelWebsiteState or ProvinceCountry
Blazingstar Flat-Coated RetrieversWebsiteAlbertaCA
Eagletarn Flat-Coated RetrieversWebsiteBritish ColumbiaCA
Radford RetrieversWebsiteBritish ColumbiaCA
Duenorth Flat-Coated RetrieversWebsiteOntarioCA
Highpoint flatcoated retrieversWebsiteBritish ColumbiaCanada
RUSH Reg’d RetrieversWebsiteOntarioCanada
Light-FootWebsiteNew JerseyUnited States
Sanderling Flat-Coated RetrieversWebsiteCaliforniaUS
Wind Dancer Flat-coated RetrieversWebsiteCaliforniaUS
Kingsbridge Flat-Coated RetrieversWebsiteIllinoisUS
Kistryl Flat-Coated RetrieversWebsiteIllinoisUS
Krieger's Ridge KennelsWebsiteWisconsinUS
Orenda Flat Coated RetrieversWebsiteWisconsinUS