Doberman Pinscher

Temperament: Highly active, loyal, alert and trainable.

Height: 26-28 inches (male), 24-26 inches (female)

Weight: 75-100 pounds (male), 60-90 pounds (female)

Life Span: 6 - 12 years

Breed Average Outlier Index: 0.16

Breed Average Genetic Relatedness: -0.05

Breed Average Internal Relatedness: 0.07

Last 10 Recently Added Public Dogs!

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Stella Red collar girl G litter F0.18-0.160.17
2 Enzo, brown collar boy G litter M0.18-0.050.23
3 Anista's 37,000 Feet in the Air V Garjan F0.14-0.090.17
4 Sonza Heartbreak Hotel F0.14-0.110.16
5 Sonza Burning Love F0.120.020.06
6 Kansa's Law Of Innocence M0.18-0.070.03
7 Kansa's Brass Verdict M0.15-0.030.08
8 Kansa's The Night Fire M0.060.080.13
9 Kansa's Black Ice F0.160.06-0.12
10 Kansa's Nine Dragons F0.100.020.16

Dobermans were developed in Germany by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann, with the purpose to protect him in his line of work (tax collector, watchman, and dog catcher). Many different mixed breed dogs and some purebred (for example. greyhound) were purported to be used in the inception of the breed, however the purpose was to combine aggressiveness, protective behavior, loyalty, trainability, and physical prowess. The National Dobermann Pinscher Club in Germany in 1899 and AKC accepted the breed in 1908. World war I and II caused genetic bottlenecks abroad in Germany and Europe.

Breed Standard coming soon!'

It seems the most predominant diseases in Dobermans at present are Dilated cardiomyopathy and cancer. However, breeders are also very concerned with Wobblers/CVI, autoimmune diseases and juvenile kidney disease.

The Doberman breed has been found to overall have high levels of inbreeding with low levels of heterozygousity. Comparison of the IR values of dobermans with the village dog model finds that Dobermans have lost a considerable amount of diversity. This is evidence of one or more bottlenecks within the breed.

Analysis of the breed has found that the genetics within the American Dobermans' encompasses the genetics of the European and most of the Australian Dobermans; however it appears that Australia may have some different genetics evolving. Dobermans have average of 6.27 alleles at their STR loci, but only an effective allele average of 2.31. This indicates that while there is not much retained genetic diversity in the population, it is also not very well distributed.

The Doberman breed has been found to overall have high levels of inbreeding with low levels of heterozygousity. Comparison of the IR values of dobermans with the village dog model finds that Dobermans have lost a considerable amount of diversity. This is evidence of one or more bottlenecks within the breed.

The Dobermans thus far studied possessed only seven DLA class I and nine DLA class II haplotypes. This is the lowest amount of DLA types found in a breed to date. Several of the types are unique to Dobermans. This is indicative of the Founder effect as well as potential for one or more other bottlenecks

The follow includes dogs with birthdates listed in the database.

DLA Haplotypes in the Breed

The Dog Leukocyte Antigen or DLA is the region in the canine genome that controls the immune system, among other things. There are three classes or areas, and the VGL Canine Diversity Test genotypes or records the two regions with the most variation. Because it is an area that mutates more rapidly than others, the method VGL uses is ideal for identifying specific combinations of DNA, and not merely showing whether a dog inherited two of the same sets of genetics from its parents or two different ones.

"Haplotype" is a generic name for a set of genes that are bound together and inherited as a set. The DLA Class I and Class II haplotypes are very tightly bound and represent about 2 million base pairs of DNA - a sizeable chunk. These two haplotypes together make an extended haplotype that is nearly always passed from parent to puppies as a pair. We therefore have two tables below showing both the combinations of DLA found in this breed and how often they appear, and also how often they appear individually.

Remember that frequency percentages do not show how many dogs carry them, but rather how many of these haplotypes exist in the breed as a whole. Every dog has two sets of DLA haplotypes, one inherited from dam, and one inherited from sire. These almost never recombine in new generations.

DLA Class I/Class II Combinations :

Class I HaplotypeClass II HaplotypeFrequency in the Breed

DLA Frequencies :

ClassHaplotypeFrequency in the Breed
Class I00.10%
Class I10120.05%
Class I10162.90%
Class I10177.86%
Class I10309.76%
Class I10400.95%
Class I10520.10%
Class I10620.05%
Class I10650.05%
Class I10680.05%
Class I10750.05%
Class I10910.24%
Class I109473.38%
Class I11050.05%
Class I11140.05%
Class I11160.10%
Class I11502.71%
Class I11590.29%
Class I11600.05%
Class I11740.43%
Class I11900.05%
Class I12140.05%
Class I12640.71%
Class II00.10%
Class II20030.05%
Class II20110.05%
Class II20140.24%
Class II20220.14%
Class II20239.76%
Class II20240.05%
Class II20330.19%
Class II20390.86%
Class II20400.05%
Class II20470.05%
Class II20480.05%
Class II20530.14%
Class II20600.05%
Class II20720.05%
Class II20870.10%
Class II208976.86%
Class II20907.81%
Class II20912.62%
Class II20920.24%
Class II20940.19%
Class II21120.38%

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List of Public Dogs

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Prima's California Dreamin'M0.17-0.09-0.03
2A'Carrig N Hycaliber Pure AddictionF0.18-0.040.02
3Abba De ItaipavaF0.19-0.120.10
4Absolute K9s Midnight Sky Zeppelin F0.090.13-0.06
5Ace's Wild IIM0.20-0.080.11
6ADAMAS Double AxleM0.130.05-0.20
7Adamas Full Moon FuryF0.13-0.01-0.03
8Adamas Special OpsM0.17-0.090.03
9Afrodite di MeillonF0.19-0.06-0.11
10Agape'sAgain Chance of A Lifetime F0.05-0.040.31
11Agape'sAgain Circle of LifeM0.09-0.090.38
12Agape'sAgain I Can't Wait To Be King M0.08-0.050.16
13Agape'sAgain I Just Can't Wait F0.03-0.130.57
14Agape'sAgain Magic Everywhere F0.08-0.060.22
15Agape'sAgain Main Event M0.13-0.110.27
16Agape'sAgain Your Own Reflection F0.11-0.100.33
17Agyra von RosamburgF0.18-0.02-0.06
18Aito's Happy JoeM0.060.07-0.06
19Aito's Hardcore HenryM0.130.03-0.09
20Aito's Harley QuinnF0.080.10-0.17
21Aito's Harmony HarrietF0.150.02-0.21
22Alex McIntoshM0.22-0.10-0.03
23Allettare N Kettle Cove Chance of a LifetimeF0.15-0.050.03
24Allettare N Kettle Cove Secret Crown JewelF0.15-0.090.00
25Allettare Thick As ThievesM0.160.02-0.28
26Allettare Wild Night RyderM0.16-0.130.30
27Almas Enter the SandmanM0.13-0.070.15
28Aludra's Big Bad Handsome Man V CoruscateM0.16-0.120.28
29Amelie Mon Babie's RobostusF0.21-0.110.10
30Andella's Emerald DreamerF0.14-0.060.09
31Andella's Grand Admiral SloaneF0.09-0.040.20
33Anista's 37,000 Feet in the Air V GarjanF0.14-0.090.17
34Anna von BergseiteF0.17-0.050.06
35Anona Vom Feuer F0.170.03-0.03
36Apexe's Dilly vom FeverhausF0.150.01-0.03
37Apollo od Novomlýnských JezerM0.13-0.070.26
39Aragon Sav SanM0.110.040.16
40Aria De Noche NegroF0.17-0.110.16
41Aria Von Schwarzer StolzF0.15-0.040.10
42Aritaur Jamaica Me Crazy at NolatariM0.130.010.00
43Arras von Moeller HofM0.11-0.010.39
44Arthas vom Leibwachter M0.130.010.01
45Asi di vitry EleganteF0.26-0.170.15
46Asmodean vom Leibwachter F0.100.050.08
47Ataka Rajana Aura ViktoryF0.25-0.070.10
48Ataraxie's EmilM0.14-0.020.01
49Athena de ItaipavaF0.24-0.02-0.29
50August Starfall de Grande VinkoM0.14-0.110.43
51Aviendha vom Leibwachter F0.060.040.14
52Azotar's Incredible TooM0.110.010.10
53Azotar's Legend of the WestF0.080.000.22
54Azotar's Mr. LuckyM0.19-0.120.20
55Babie's Garden Nonsense And ScandalsF0.15-0.040.00
56Bambi von EngelhardtF0.13-0.030.12
57Barnic's "Highly" Chopped Dark DesiresF0.100.000.14
58Barnic's "Offo" Rippin' It Up BahnhofF0.160.07-0.02
59Barnic's Friedrich der Grosse vom Gato WellmanM0.180.01-0.03
60Barnic's Hardcore High Octane KyronM0.11-0.030.30
61Barnic's Leather And Lace "Coocha"F0.33-0.19-0.05
62Barnic's Thunder Struck "Karma"F0.17-0.050.10
63Barnics Wicked Chopper DreamsF0.26-0.110.01
64Batman vom WeisensteinM0.110.030.09
65Béatrice Von Schwarzer StolzF0.13-0.010.17
66Beauregard de ItaipavaM0.26-0.250.33
67Becken's AminaF0.220.02-0.14
68Beja's Bombs Away v BowieF0.15-0.100.16
69Beja's KetiaraF0.18-0.01-0.03
70Beja's KochereF0.24-0.05-0.10
71Beja's Redneck Brother RudyM0.170.00-0.14
72Beja's Sorella Suzy QF0.16-0.090.14
73Bell'Lavoro Benedetto Cane Di il DiavoloF0.110.11-0.11
74Bell'Lavoro Cuore D'OroF0.16-0.180.51
75Bell'Lavoro Difensore Di UmanitaF0.24-0.09-0.06
76Bell'Lavoro Figlio Di Un PistolaM0.20-0.070.18
77Bell'Lavoro Lupa Regina von der SchwarzF0.18-0.040.01
78Bellnhans Wannabee IrishM0.170.01-0.16
79Benchmark's CalligenaF0.20-0.210.41
80Benchmark's Dangerous BeautyF0.16-0.070.12
81Benchmark's Dark Side Of The MoonF0.21-0.140.14
82Benchmark's Dark WatersM0.17-0.160.29
83Benchmark's FantasiaF0.22-0.180.10
84Benchmark's Flying DutchmanM0.18-0.04-0.19
85Benchmark's Forge of EmpiresM0.22-0.03-0.21
86Benchmark's Greatest ShowmanM0.18-0.04-0.18
88Biene vom WeisensteinF0.11-0.050.19
89Big Red of the RidgeM0.200.03-0.13
90BJF Anicca's Ember DreamGrrlF0.08-0.040.25
91BJF Living the DreamM0.060.10-0.03
92BJF Shades of TruthM0.090.020.11
93BJF The Ice Princess of ArandaleF0.100.02-0.04
94BJF Wild and Crazy GuyM0.080.070.04
95Black Athirat Anarchic Mr BabyM0.17-0.010.10
96Black Ballerina HnossF0.13-0.060.31
97Black CollarF0.22-0.12-0.05
98Black collar M0.10-0.020.17
99Black Girl 1F0.30-0.15-0.13
100Black Girl 2F0.27-0.12-0.03
101Black's Guns & RosesF0.21-0.07-0.15
102Bladedge Power AssassinF0.10-0.040.25
103Bless von DobhadesF0.11-0.070.31
104Blue CollarF0.23-0.03-0.10
105Boo de ItaipavaM0.22-0.02-0.25
107Bowie's Here Comes The Boom!F0.42-0.380.25
108Bradley von UniqueM0.110.00-0.05
109Bravadobe Wicked GameM0.23-0.10-0.15
110Briarwood Ariki V ExactaM0.23-0.240.29
111Briska von EngelhardtF0.13-0.100.07
112Broadway's Court And SparkM0.11-0.080.06
113Bronco von der DoberwacheM0.20-0.110.28
114Bruda Party On AnjiF0.20-0.070.06
115Bubbles of Joyous MemoriesF0.15-0.100.49
116By Design Corona CartelM0.13-0.110.50
117By Design Held For RansomM0.24-0.080.11
118C-Amos vom Haus MannM0.110.000.12
119Cabo Von Moeller HofM0.090.010.07
120Cadillac Cocoa Butter KissesM0.16-0.060.11
121Cadillac Gin and JuiceM0.15-0.080.12
123Calderon's TankM0.09-0.070.37
124Campari CC Od TelepaF0.15-0.030.13
125Cape Secure EarthquakeM0.100.05-0.10
126Cape Secure Easy ActionM0.15-0.02-0.05
127Cara's Hot MamaF0.09-0.010.22
128Carosel Aguilo Mystery Mystique R-SoloF0.13-0.050.34
129Carridene Mr-MeyhemM0.11-0.030.12
130Cassel N Soulstorm Wait for ItF0.18-0.100.00
131Catom's Taste The Rainbow v WolfF0.18-0.140.46
132Celeste Salute di FeroF0.080.050.26
133Chalmar's Devil DogM0.17-0.080.12
134Chaos vom Koby HausM0.25-0.120.00
135Charm AntisM0.14-0.07-0.02
136Chewy de ItaipavaM0.17-0.130.39
137Chief de ItaipavaM0.21-0.03-0.12
138Chili Pepper Of Monkey KingdomF0.110.000.08
139Cinder De Noche NegroF0.11-0.100.42
140Cinnakerry's Taking the BarM0.17-0.100.28
141Cisco's sonny boy jaxson lee M0.17-0.090.21
142Coco Chanell's Gia Lolobrigida Od TelepaF0.14-0.110.34
143Coco di ForzaF0.27-0.09-0.22
144Colonel Cajo vom SchlossrudwaldeM0.15-0.090.17
145ConnQuest All The Right Reasons V KelviewM0.16-0.130.28
146Copperdobe Hell RaiserM0.130.000.06
147Copperdobe Life of the PartyM0.060.070.20
148Copperdobe Vodka CollinsM0.08-0.030.30
149Copperdobe VodkartiniF0.11-0.030.20
150Copperdobe Wickd Lil WitchF0.130.05-0.05
151Copperdobe Wicked & WildM0.130.010.08
152Coppertop Rayz A RumourM0.23-0.180.16
153Creed Dei Guardiani Del TiternoM0.21-0.06-0.02
154Crosswind's You're Killin' Me SmallsM0.13-0.050.21
155Crown JewelsF0.15-0.030.12
156Crystal Run's Gladiator's TributeM0.22-0.160.03
157Cynthia Cherry's WildF0.15-0.070.20
158D Blue collar M0.12-0.040.29
159D'Rays The Buck Stops HereM0.15-0.130.24
160Daily's 2 Days in ParisF0.150.03-0.14
161Daily's Ain't MisbehavinM0.170.06-0.17
162Daily's Angel's EnvyF0.210.07-0.28
163Daily's Chasing LibertyF0.18-0.04-0.08
164Daily's Eagle RareM0.110.03-0.08
165Daily's I'm a Ramblin' ManM0.170.01-0.10
166Daily's If You've Got The Money Honey I've Got the TimeM0.130.05-0.06
167Daily's In BrugesF0.240.02-0.26
168Daily's Interlude in PragueM0.18-0.010.07
169Daily's Into The WildF0.18-0.04-0.05
170Daily's Letters To JulietteF0.180.00-0.04
171Daily's Line Of FireF0.100.06-0.03
172Daily's London CallingF0.170.03-0.13
173Daily's Love Sick BluesM0.130.04-0.04
174Daily's Petite ChanelF0.13-0.110.43
175Daily's Rhetoric 23M0.100.05-0.02
176Daily's Roman HolidayM0.130.14-0.26
177Daily's San Antonio RoseF0.19-0.07-0.01
178Daily's Streets of BakersfieldM0.23-0.03-0.17
179Daily's Walk the LineM0.110.09-0.06
180Daily's Walkin After MidnightF0.26-0.01-0.22
181Daily's Widow JaneF0.150.07-0.16
182Danzig vom GrenzturmF0.15-0.110.30
183Dargaard B Collision CourseF0.21-0.010.02
184Darth RevanM0.19-0.180.12
185Daystar's 2022 Drogo-Taylor Black BoyM0.28-0.190.09
186Daystar's Devil DogM0.23-0.120.04
187Daystar's DT22 Red Boy 1M0.20-0.180.09
188Daystar's DT22 Red GirlF0.18-0.200.19
189Daystar's JS23 Black Girl 2F0.16-0.070.15
190Daystar's Khal Drogo StormM0.34-0.15-0.17
191Daystar's Magically DeliciousF0.22-0.160.25
192Daystar's One Certified LegacyM0.22-0.100.24
193Daystar's One Legacy RisingM0.32-0.180.15
194Daystar's One Lucky SunshineF0.18-0.100.09
195Daystar's One Red Storm RisingF0.19-0.120.17
196Daystar's One Tuff Traffic JamM0.24-0.10-0.01
197Daystar's Returning RoyalF0.26-0.190.32
198Dea Salomea Iz ZoosferyF0.17-0.030.19
199Dei Gloria Doberville BraveheartM0.23-0.160.24
200Delila de ItaipavaF0.23-0.01-0.11
201Delkamar's Scarlett FirebirdF0.15-0.04-0.04
202Delmira Call Me SirM0.140.000.02
203Delmira Divine InspirationF0.200.03-0.17
204Demitry One Little MonsterM0.080.04-0.10
205Denmar's Dare to DreamM0.11-0.02-0.03
206Denmar's Dream Quest For Purple & GoldM0.11-0.02-0.01
207Desert Mountain Black OnyxF0.220.00-0.13
208Desert Mountain DiabloM0.21-0.10-0.04
209Desert Mountain RockyM0.15-0.060.14
210Desire's Don't Doubt My Loyalty F0.18-0.06-0.04
211Destiny's Phoenix Highway To HellM0.220.00-0.12
212Destiny's Phoenix KrakatauM0.170.02-0.07
213Desyred Diamond Power At SonzaF0.20-0.080.06
214Desyred Magic Knight Of DreamsM0.140.000.06
215Desyred Smoke On The WaterM0.130.000.11
216Desyred War Of DiamondsM0.19-0.040.03
217Diamandin AmorpheusM0.090.000.07
218Dillon's Live For Today M0.06-0.020.30
219Dino De ItaipavaM0.27-0.05-0.19
220Diva de ItaipavaF0.18-0.160.24
221Divina's The Legacy Lives OnF0.11-0.030.19
222Dobechester EleosF0.17-0.110.23
223Dobechester ErosM0.13-0.010.23
224Dobechester FayalF0.120.07-0.19
225Dobechester FrostyM0.160.000.08
226Dobechester GryffindorM0.14-0.070.04
227Dobechester HestiaF0.18-0.05-0.22
228Dobereich's Here Comes The SunF0.170.000.00
229Dobergaarden Forever RobinF0.09-0.090.27
230Doberland SpiritF0.23-0.100.08
231Dobruski Faberge's Diamond TrellisF0.18-0.03-0.08
232Dobruski Faberge's Lily of the valleyF0.16-0.060.10
233Dobruski Faberge's Memory of AzovM0.13-0.080.15
234Dobruski Faberge's Peter the GreatM0.150.04-0.11
235Dobruski Faberge's Rose TrellisF0.17-0.02-0.02
236Dobruski's Finding DoryF0.130.08-0.09
238Domenic de ItaipavaM0.180.06-0.19
239Dornroschen von Engelhardt F0.12-0.050.20
240Drachenberg Achtung die KoniginF0.140.09-0.36
241Drachenberg Achtung MagicM0.16-0.04-0.17
242Dracul Vom Haus MannM0.18-0.130.23
243Draggins Screaming DemonF0.13-0.200.38
244Dream Bay's AmokF0.060.000.24
245Dream Bay's AphroditeF0.060.000.34
246Drogon Stark of WinterfellM0.08-0.050.36
247Druss di BrittasgangM0.11-0.040.18
248Dura Lex Polonia Fado SaavaM0.13-0.030.23
249Eastwick's Dirty DeedF0.16-0.230.36
250Eastwicks Secret MonsterF0.16-0.060.05
251Ebondobe A Night At The Opera At SalieriF0.080.020.17
252Ebondobe Legends Black PearlF0.110.010.10
253Echorun's Lethal Desert Black HawkM0.160.03-0.12
254Echorun's Notorious Marlene DietrichF0.090.020.10
255Echorun's Notorious Stone Cold MarksmanM0.130.01-0.04
256Echorun's Protector of London RelamF0.25-0.06-0.11
257Echorun's Protector of the Rising SunF0.180.01-0.14
258Eclipse's Kaymen ChaserM0.060.040.20
259Eclipse's Let's RollM0.13-0.070.36
260Egwene von Engelhardt F0.17-0.070.02
261Eiko vom LandgrafM0.13-0.110.11
262Einzweck Heta von BlonkF0.13-0.050.24
263Elara's Alfrido the GreatM0.16-0.030.17
264Elking v. LehmannsfelsenM0.13-0.120.55
265Elle Von Moeller HofF0.23-0.190.08
266Emerald Eire's ArgosM0.25-0.12-0.12
267Engelhuette Do What U DoF0.080.060.09
268Engelhuette Kissin DynamiteM0.15-0.080.08
269Engelhuette War MachineM0.17-0.05-0.02
270Enoch-Eitan Vom ZenhofM0.110.020.11
271Enzo, brown collar boy G litterM0.18-0.050.23
272Epic's Daughter of LibertyF0.130.000.13
273Ex von Moeller HofM0.18-0.180.21
274Eximus Vis Memento MoriF0.180.010.02
275Family Dobes Celeste CorazonF0.060.070.25
276Fanta Delloronero KennelF0.160.000.03
277Fantom von Moeller HofM0.23-0.280.27
278Fidelis N' Wingate's NebulaF0.18-0.140.04
279Filimamont Just Cool KTMH JettaF0.100.040.08
280Fire vom ApexeF0.09-0.040.30
281Fireax Helluva Wild StormF0.13-0.050.20
282Fireax Breaking HeartsF0.12-0.020.18
283Fireax Broken ArrowM0.110.070.03
284Fireax Broken ArrowM0.110.070.03
285Fireax Devils R DivineF0.09-0.020.18
286Fireax Dragon SpiritF0.100.06-0.12
287Fireax Essence Of VisionF0.13-0.050.20
288Fireax Exclusive N EliteF0.110.040.11
289Fireax Exclusive RaveF0.15-0.020.04
290Fireax Exclusive RevealF0.13-0.020.03
291Fireax Exclusive RightsM0.13-0.060.25
292Fireax Flamin GossipF0.15-0.040.01
293Fireax Hell Hath No FuryF0.080.000.28
294Fireax Hells Little DemonM0.09-0.040.29
295Fireax Little War HeroM0.18-0.070.00
296Fireax Little War KarmaF0.080.08-0.04
297Fireax Midnight HunterF0.080.07-0.07
298Fireax Party WhispersF0.100.040.07
299Fireax Prime DesireF0.100.08-0.17
300Fireax Prime DirectiveM0.110.060.13
301Fireax Rhythm of LoveF0.17-0.07-0.04
302Fireax Rumour Has ItF0.170.00-0.14
303Fireax Turning HeadsF0.080.12-0.06
304Fireax Viva La LeyendaM0.100.000.06
305Fireax Wild About The ChaChaF0.11-0.080.26
306Fireax You Little RipperF0.130.06-0.18
307Firelite's I'm On FireF0.110.010.07
308Firelite's Pedal To The MetalF0.14-0.100.07
309Flint v.d. WudritzM0.120.12-0.20
310Focus Galaxy for NTNI WantedF0.17-0.040.07
311Foxfire N Icon Love Like A BombM0.23-0.170.06
312Foxfire N Icon Love Me Or NotF0.17-0.220.32
313Foxfire N Icon Where's My Super Suit?!F0.22-0.220.43
314Foxfire's Mud MonsterM0.16-0.180.31
315Frank de ItaipavaM0.15-0.020.11
316Franyo Freiherr von HohenzollernM0.24-0.08-0.05
317Fullmetal Fury Von JahrestalM0.15-0.04-0.01
318Gale Force Iz ZoosferyF0.110.060.14
319Garjan's Dare to DreamF0.23-0.280.24
320Garjan's Dragon's Quest For Nello v IsdoraF0.22-0.140.16
321Garjan's Dream WeaverF0.15-0.040.09
322Garjan's Genuine DreamM0.17-0.100.07
323Garjan's Hero of TimeM0.21-0.120.11
324Garjan's Just Give Me A MinuteF0.13-0.070.17
325Garjan's Phenomenal DreamM0.23-0.200.04
326Garjan's Special OpsF0.24-0.140.05
327Garjan's Still a SoldierM0.20-0.05-0.01
328Gatehouse As Time Goes ByM0.100.04-0.03
329Gatehouse Mr. WonderfulM0.110.07-0.03
330Gato von BahnhofM0.09-0.010.34
331Gemini's High RollerM0.06-0.070.42
332Gendry von Engelhardt M0.09-0.080.21
333Gentry's Game of ThronesM0.120.01-0.02
334Gentry's Koda Of WillowcreekM0.09-0.010.24
335Ginnamonen AcerasM0.10-0.070.36
336Ginnamonen AgerM0.19-0.03-0.17
337Ginnamonen AnselliaF0.120.020.05
338Ginnamonen AvenaF0.17-0.040.03
339Gitts Crazy Dahlia Von Schwarzer Stolz F0.090.080.07
340Gladiator of America BaltazarM0.15-0.010.06
341Glissade's Truck YeahM0.080.040.04
342Golden State Butch KassidyM0.170.04-0.04
343Gordan's Bia Mawu Vom Swift RunF0.150.010.01
344Gordon's B-Twiga vom Swift RunF0.16-0.040.09
345Gordon's Bandedarcangela's Ephesus Vom Swift RunM0.13-0.020.17
346Gordon's Baron Saint vom Swift RunM0.150.05-0.06
347Gordon's Belle Bette vom Swift RunF0.17-0.02-0.04
348Gordon's Belle Of Bowling Green Von Swift RunF0.130.04-0.04
349Gordon's Bodacious Bibi vom Swift RunF0.15-0.010.07
350Gordon's Bonaparte Vom Swift RunM0.100.020.17
351Gordon's Boudicca Bailey vom Swift RunF0.17-0.01-0.16
352Gordon's Bowman Archer vom Swift RunM0.130.050.00
353Gordon's Braveheart Thanos Vom Swift RunM0.180.00-0.12
354Gordon's Brigadier Vom Swift RunM0.110.050.05
355Gordon's Buckin' The System Vom Swift RunF0.110.010.07
356Gordon's Fast Buck FreddieF0.26-0.090.01
357Gorrmae's Rock the RimM0.16-0.020.16
358Granit von Moeller hofM0.20-0.04-0.06
359Grayval's Shiraz Dahlia Von Schwarzer StolzF0.060.090.05
360Green CollarF0.17-0.100.22
361Green collar M0.17-0.060.09
362Greja Zeda Betelges F0.110.010.11
364Grumby vom HellerwaldM0.11-0.040.19
365Gunna Be Good de ItaipavaF0.20-0.170.40
366Gypsy European K9 Training BaseF0.24-0.190.25
368Harley QwinnF0.080.050.09
369Haverhill Maksim ValianoM0.13-0.010.01
370Haze vom Koby HausM0.17-0.060.05
371Heather's Fire On The Mountain De BrittonM0.18-0.100.18
373Hektor von EngelhardtM0.13-0.01-0.01
374Helena von EngelhardtF0.19-0.100.13
375Holiday von Moeller hofF0.17-0.07-0.03
376Holly Woods Made of MoneyM0.17-0.120.27
377Hoot The Naked Ace Fading HeartF0.15-0.020.07
378Hope von EngelhardtF0.080.020.11
379Horizon's Curtain Call F0.13-0.150.20
380Horizons One and OnlyF0.18-0.130.17
381HQ Once Upon A Time In PhesikaF0.13-0.130.29
382Hung's Palmetto Sable RyderM0.17-0.090.05
383Hurin Jarl Swiftrun Vom LarsonM0.110.030.10
384I-Roreck Rasham von BolcansternM0.19-0.03-0.10
385Iconic a Dream of SpringM0.15-0.030.19
386Iconic's A Dance with DragonsF0.19-0.050.15
387Iconic's A Song of Ice and FireF0.18-0.080.07
388Iconic's A Storm of SwordsM0.150.07-0.06
389Iconic's All I Ask of YouF0.09-0.010.12
390Iconic's Angel of MusicM0.18-0.12-0.05
391Iconic's Dreams of BeautyF0.16-0.03-0.08
392Iconic's Let Me Be Your LightM0.110.020.06
393Iconic's Music of the NightM0.080.020.04
394Iconic's Prima DonnaF0.20-0.05-0.24
395Iconic's the Final LairM0.15-0.05-0.13
396Idle Hour's Ouija BoardF0.10-0.050.16
397Ikons Chosen OneM0.17-0.080.21
398Indpac Charley's AngelF0.24-0.300.35
399Indpac Lucky GuyM0.19-0.130.10
400Inka vom Schwarzen KoboldF0.17-0.04-0.02
401Isabel vh WantijF0.18-0.070.36
402Isabella Secure FarmF0.28-0.160.02
403Ivan vom Haus Do'Urden RN CGC GDT ID3 WAC TTM0.19-0.120.11
404Iza Vom LandgrafF0.11-0.020.12
405Jager's Oil SlickM0.17-0.120.28
406Jaimand's Smoke a Little SmokeM0.16-0.160.40
407Jatak v FerrenbergM0.080.010.12
409Jone's little Gemini HereticF0.28-0.12-0.04
410Jotunheim's Badwe-HennaF0.15-0.090.21
411Jotunheim's BorrM0.15-0.140.29
412Jotunheim's CrakaF0.15-0.030.04
413Jotunheim's IvarM0.090.010.02
414Jotunheim's OffaM0.120.000.11
415Jotunheim's PandoraF0.15-0.090.04
416Jotunheim's PetayaF0.19-0.080.14
417Jotunheim's SvavaF0.130.000.02
418Jotunheim's ThorM0.20-0.060.04
419Jotunheim's TiwazM0.11-0.050.35
420Jotunheim's TrudF0.17-0.02-0.07
421Jotunheim's UllwieF0.12-0.040.19
422Jotunheim's VaarF0.120.010.13
423Jotunheim's VidarM0.10-0.060.27
424Jotunheim's VolundM0.030.070.13
425Jotunheim's WrethF0.24-0.170.26
426Jotunheim's XylaF0.13-0.080.22
427Jotunheim's YngveM0.19-0.170.16
428Jotunheim's YvarM0.15-0.050.19
429Jotunheim's Zenobia ZigynF0.16-0.060.11
430Jotunheim's ZnortaF0.17-0.05-0.04
431Journey de ItaipavaF0.13-0.050.16
432Joy For A Better Future De ItaipavaF0.44-0.320.16
433Jules de ItaipavaM0.31-0.09-0.26
434Juneau IIIM0.23-0.09-0.03
435Ka-tet Lucky Number SevenF0.17-0.020.12
436Ka-tet Stranger ThingsF0.11-0.080.37
437Kahu Kupa'a LewaM0.21-0.120.12
438Kairo VF0.35-0.220.00
439Kalora's Legend Of The Water DragonM0.110.08-0.09
440Kalora's Ray of LightM0.110.000.03
441Kalora's Targaryen PrinceM0.24-0.230.23
442Kalora's The Lucky DragonM0.15-0.120.25
443Kansa's A Continual SoireeM0.18-0.040.14
444Kansa's A Hard Day's NightM0.19-0.110.10
445Kansa's All You Need Is LoveF0.17-0.040.05
446Kansa's Amelia EarhartF0.110.030.11
447Kansa's Angels FlightF0.090.080.18
448Kansa's Bedlam in BelgiumF0.150.010.01
449Kansa's Believe Before You PrayM0.180.09-0.19
450Kansa's Black IceF0.160.06-0.12
451Kansa's Brass VerdictM0.15-0.030.08
452Kansa's Can't Buy Me LoveF0.19-0.05-0.08
453Kansa's Chisolm TrailM0.17-0.01-0.04
454Kansa's Circe The EnchantressF0.130.04-0.12
455Kansa's CocoliciousF0.13-0.050.24
456Kansa's Come On Baby Light My FireF0.20-0.07-0.23
457Kansa's Dark HorseM0.17-0.110.16
458Kansa's DivergentF0.170.03-0.15
459Kansa's Double Secret ProbationM0.15-0.020.02
460Kansa's Earn Before You SpendM0.24-0.12-0.14
461Kansa's Essential PersonnelF0.140.030.01
462Kansa's ExecutiveM0.17-0.030.05
463Kansa's ExhibitionistM0.130.10-0.18
464Kansa's ExothermicM0.150.03-0.03
465Kansa's ExquisiteF0.110.010.07
466Kansa's Extra-TerrestrialM0.110.11-0.13
467Kansa's ExtravaganzaF0.15-0.010.13
468Kansa's ExuberanceF0.110.060.09
469Kansa's ExultationF0.120.07-0.03
470Kansa's Favorite SonM0.090.09-0.18
471Kansa's Fifth ElementF0.170.020.05
472Kansa's Fire It UpM0.21-0.07-0.15
473Kansa's Freedom Is For The StrongM0.23-0.160.14
474Kansa's Freedom Is Oxygen For The SoulF0.19-0.120.23
475Kansa's Freedom Is Power To Say NoF0.23-0.130.04
476Kansa's Freedom To Be YourselfF0.22-0.170.26
477Kansa's FuriosaF0.200.05-0.14
478Kansa's Heat IndexF0.18-0.04-0.04
479Kansa's Heat WaveM0.160.02-0.02
480Kansa's Here Comes The SonM0.15-0.060.16
481Kansa's Hey JudeM0.150.00-0.10
482Kansa's Home On The RangeF0.130.000.23
483Kansa's I Have Tasted FreedomF0.24-0.210.13
484Kansa's In The Heat Of The NightM0.180.07-0.29
485Kansa's JayhawkerM0.17-0.01-0.04
486Kansa's Keeper of The PlainsF0.180.04-0.10
487Kansa's Kissing DynamiteF0.13-0.030.12
488Kansa's Krewe Of RexM0.15-0.010.15
489Kansa's Krewe Of ZuluF0.17-0.060.21
490Kansa's Lady MadonnaF0.21-0.110.10
491Kansa's Law Of InnocenceM0.18-0.070.03
492Kansa's Live Before You DieF0.25-0.16-0.07
493Kansa's Love Before You HateM0.28-0.09-0.05
494Kansa's Lucy In The Sky With DiamondsF0.17-0.080.20
495Kansa's Madame PresidentF0.090.050.09
496Kansa's Mata HariF0.050.07-0.01
497Kansa's Merlin v RedGateM0.110.06-0.12
498Kansa's Miami HeatF0.20-0.06-0.03
499Kansa's Nine DragonsF0.100.020.16
500Kansa's Peace Be With YouM0.15-0.040.08
501Kansa's Peace Is A GiftM0.21-0.12-0.13
502Kansa's Peace Is BeautifulF0.19-0.02-0.06
503Kansa's Quantrill's RaiderM0.16-0.050.24
504Kansa's Rock The VoteF0.080.020.16
505Kansa's Secret BallotM0.150.010.11
506Kansa's Shoot To ThrillF0.21-0.130.22
507Kansa's The Heat Is OnF0.17-0.04-0.05
508Kansa's The Hydra of LernaF0.130.010.12
509Kansa's The Iron LadyF0.15-0.01-0.06
510Kansa's The Night FireM0.060.080.13
511Kansa's The Oracle At DelphiF0.080.11-0.06
512Kansa's The UnicornM0.080.070.12
513Kansa's The Victoria CrossM0.15-0.02-0.08
514Kansa's Think Before You SpeakF0.24-0.12-0.01
515Kansa's To The StarsF0.21-0.070.06
516Kansa's Tornado AlleyF0.20-0.020.04
517Kansa's Try Before You QuitF0.21-0.070.01
518Kansa's Twist And ShoutF0.10-0.040.25
519Kansa's War and PeaceM0.130.00-0.08
520Kansa's WheatshockerM0.18-0.090.21
521Kansa's Will O' The WispF0.090.01-0.05
522Kansa's Wyatt EarpM0.20-0.02-0.06
523Kansa's Yellow Brick RoadF0.16-0.070.09
524Kansa's Zerendipity v DobestarF0.11-0.030.36
525Katrina's Lucky Crush of DruryM0.19-0.100.31
526KB's Empress von Ruiz F0.28-0.04-0.09
527KB's H-Brown CollarM0.24-0.140.23
528KB's H-Red CollarM0.24-0.07-0.01
529KB's Honor RememberedM0.32-0.16-0.11
530KB's Keeps on SlayingF0.160.03-0.04
531Keep Moving AciraF0.10-0.110.33
532Keleri's Backstreet GirlF0.110.010.02
533Keleri's Hot StuffF0.160.02-0.12
534Keleri's Jumpin' Jack FlashM0.110.05-0.07
535Keleri's Paint it BlackM0.090.060.08
536Keleri's Play With FireM0.110.03-0.01
537Keleri's Ring of FireF0.22-0.02-0.02
538Keleri's Walk the LineM0.180.01-0.01
539Kettle Cove Luck Be A LadyF0.15-0.010.02
540Kettle Cove N Ashtrick Diamonds Are ForeverF0.11-0.070.21
541Kettle Cove N Ashtrick Dirty DancingF0.10-0.040.25
542Kettle Cove N Ashtrick St. Elmo's FireM0.13-0.120.38
543Kettle Cove N Manarjj Smoke N MirrorsM0.15-0.120.17
544Kettle Cove VR Boston Cream PieF0.15-0.120.17
545Key To My Heart Baroness EviaF0.17-0.080.20
546Khan von WarringhofM0.17-0.100.07
547Kickturn's AlpenglowF0.230.06-0.34
548Kimbertal's Coco Chanell Od TelepaF0.09-0.100.23
549Kimbertal's Gabi Dee's Chagall von ConklinF0.18-0.02-0.07
550Kinetic Magic Bubble EclipseF0.140.08-0.14
551King KaiserM0.10-0.01-0.06
552Kingdoms Remington M0.14-0.090.21
553Kira XVF0.23-0.10-0.07
554Klara dei DohseF0.20-0.060.05
555Klink De ItaipavaM0.30-0.230.48
556Koba de ItaipavaM0.32-0.20-0.19
557Kobe dei DohseM0.18-0.140.23
558Koral's Ryezing Sun V Radiant M0.12-0.060.00
559Krieger De ItaipavaM0.21-0.210.15
560Kriegmann Walk The TalkM0.23-0.10-0.05
561Kupa'a Kahu Hahai Anuenue AnuheaF0.180.01-0.14
562Kupa'a Kahu HoalohaM0.11-0.040.13
563Kupa'a Kahu Hoku A'aM0.15-0.010.00
564Kupa'a Kahu IkaikaM0.080.09-0.04
565Kupa'a Kahu LanikaiF0.130.010.05
566Kupa'a Kahu MalieF0.15-0.050.18
567Kupa'a Kahu Mana'o AkamaiM0.17-0.120.33
568L Blue collar M0.13-0.070.14
569Lady De ItaipavaF0.260.05-0.32
570Lalique Gaios Campo di Gaia of HaverhillF0.170.00-0.05
571Leather and Lace's The Chosen OneF0.14-0.080.07
572Leia de ItaipavaF0.49-0.35-0.05
573Lennox dei DohseM0.170.02-0.06
574Levada vom MaindreieckF0.15-0.080.27
575Lexus Jo JamesF0.10-0.070.26
576Liberator's Sound in MotionF0.11-0.120.50
577Lila Madchen die Fliegend HexeF0.100.04-0.06
578Lime collar F0.17-0.110.16
579Limoncello Des Brumes De KhalanM0.15-0.040.08
580Lisiduna AdelaideF0.20-0.190.24
581Loki de ItaipavaM0.27-0.15-0.18
582Lothlorien Huan of ValinorM0.15-0.05-0.11
583Louis Maximus RewardsM0.17-0.04-0.03
584Lucky Luciano del NasiM0.090.020.27
586Lucy de ItaipavaF0.26-0.06-0.18
587Lucy II de ItaipavaF0.24-0.070.16
588Lunatic LunaF0.11-0.010.21
589Lyndobe's I Won't Back Down v SundellF0.09-0.050.23
590Lyndobe's Tremendous TornadoM0.13-0.050.11
591Lyndobe's Wheel of FortuneM0.16-0.100.05
592M-Tizya Twica Von BolcansternF0.180.05-0.23
593M-Troy Toreck von BolcansternM0.100.080.04
594Machnycz's ApennyF0.140.01-0.06
595Machnycz's ArgosM0.13-0.020.24
596Machnycz's AthenaF0.08-0.010.02
597Machnycz's AuroraF0.130.00-0.04
598Machnycz's Balthazar-BentoM0.11-0.040.15
599Machnycz's Bestla-BrigidF0.13-0.030.11
600Marco vom landgrafM0.18-0.02-0.06
601Mariahs Lista Brazell von KoepselF0.12-0.090.32
602Marienburg's on the Waterfront v BrauchbarM0.15-0.110.25
603Marquis I Am Neytiri of RaindanceF0.16-0.01-0.06
604Marvels Lady Siph FlambeF0.130.07-0.14
605Marvels V Mon Ami Bikini Bottom ShopinF0.13-0.060.25
606Marywyck's Back To The Future v CalebM0.15-0.100.04
607Masaya's Black SabbathM0.24-0.110.08
608Masaya's Dragon SlayRM0.18-0.070.14
609Masaya's Elegant EmpressF0.17-0.010.12
610Masaya's It Ain't Over Til It's OverM0.17-0.110.23
611Masaya's Justified JusticeM0.22-0.110.13
612Masaya's Love The BombM0.140.020.01
613Masaya's Necromantic Black PearlF0.11-0.080.42
614Mason's Remington Red of Von ringleblumM0.100.000.07
615Maverick's MismatchM0.23-0.14-0.11
616Mavericks KyussM0.42-0.24-0.07
617Mayfirst Lovers RevengeF0.13-0.110.28
618Megan (Diaz)F0.23-0.02-0.14
619Meillon Judas PriestM0.100.08-0.05
620Melrae N Marvels Gambits Aces on FireF0.08-0.010.12
621Melrae's Gossip GirlF0.08-0.010.28
622Melrae's Shome Kiki Of AquariusF0.060.020.05
623Melrae's Ulterior MotiveF0.06-0.050.36
624Melrae's Wee HoursF0.150.03-0.04
625Mercedes Sophia Altobello JamesF0.120.06-0.16
626Mercury's By Leaps And BoundsF0.110.09-0.18
627Mercurys Celestial Mi-YuF0.17-0.090.16
628Mercurys Crazy Little Thing Called LoveF0.060.080.02
629Merrimac's After MidnightM0.10-0.090.26
630Merrimac's Golden Nugget for Mi CasaM0.11-0.010.13
631Merrimac's Green CollarF0.17-0.190.22
632Merrimac's IlluminationF0.080.000.02
633Merrimac's Purple CollarF0.11-0.140.19
634Merrimac's Star AllianceM0.13-0.120.22
635Merrimac's Sunshine HighwayF0.11-0.180.37
636Merrimac's SunshowerF0.080.00-0.02
637Mervio Chosen Warrior v SioulM0.09-0.020.18
638Mesa's I Got You BabeM0.11-0.070.16
639Mia de ItaipavaF0.32-0.300.11
640Micah vom LandgrafF0.18-0.030.06
641Mirekals ManmirF0.13-0.020.17
642Mischief N Mayhem of Night FeverF0.18-0.060.00
644Miss Delta's Blue Kentucky GirlF0.110.020.11
645Mistel's MoonwalkM0.12-0.090.27
646Mister Moonraker od TelepaM0.140.03-0.04
647Moa's National AnthemM0.130.04-0.10
648Mojave's Gateway to GoldM0.11-0.070.13
649Molly dei DohseF0.110.03-0.04
650MonElite ElixirM0.130.06-0.13
651MonElite EmperorM0.140.08-0.14
652MonElite EnchantedF0.080.13-0.07
653MonElite EnvyF0.110.03-0.09
654MonElite GoddessF0.150.00-0.15
655MonElite IncognitoF0.110.10-0.02
656MonElite InfinityM0.030.150.09
657MonElite Larger Than LifeF0.090.050.05
658MonElite Life Is BlissF0.110.00-0.06
659MonElite Life Is LifeF0.15-0.120.11
660MonElite Live It UpF0.13-0.030.04
661MonElite Vivid ET WACF0.08-0.070.37
662Monflo's RudraF0.21-0.11-0.03
663Montwood Arista's Ringmaster V AzotarM0.110.000.11
664Montwood Aristas Redder Than RedM0.170.03-0.19
665Moondances King Of The CongoM0.19-0.12-0.04
666Moonwalker Night FeverM0.13-0.060.27
668Morgana's KismetF0.140.01-0.05
669MPC DntStp BelVn 8223 v SiegruhmM0.100.090.01
670MT23 Brown BoyM0.170.03-0.22
671MT23 Light Blue BoyM0.19-0.03-0.09
672MT23 Orange BoyM0.170.07-0.29
673Navistar Swift Run NadiaF0.140.020.06
674Navistar's Cruise ControlM0.090.10-0.10
675Nereidin Bombus BorealisM0.100.090.02
676Nereidin M'ScarlettF0.08-0.020.33
677Nicoles Cry me a RiverF0.110.02-0.05
678Nixon Di AltobelloM0.100.000.12
679Nomad's 24k MagicM0.110.020.05
680Nomad's Enter Sandman V. CadillacM0.05-0.040.48
681Nomad's Gypsy BootsF0.10-0.080.20
682Nomad's Money Make her SmileF0.16-0.060.09
683Nomad's That's What I LikeF0.110.020.11
684Nomad's Too Big To FailM0.18-0.050.09
685Nostra van de DonauhoeveM0.15-0.070.15
686Not The Name I Wanted Una Ubuntu PhenixF0.15-0.150.28
687Olive De ItaipavaF0.25-0.110.12
688OM2 Black Boy 1M0.27-0.05-0.04
689OM2 Black Boy 2M0.290.00-0.32
690OM2 Black Boy 3M0.22-0.020.03
691OM2 Black Boy 4M0.180.02-0.15
692OM2 Black Boy 5M0.26-0.08-0.08
693OM2 Black Boy 6M0.31-0.13-0.05
694OM2 Black Girl 1F0.31-0.03-0.27
695OM2 Black Girl 2F0.250.00-0.14
696OM2 Black Girl 3F0.22-0.040.03
697OM2 Black Girl 4F0.22-0.05-0.05
698One Original de Not The Name I WantedM0.19-0.130.18
699Orange CollarM0.21-0.100.05
700OTCDTX's Half Blood PrinceM0.20-0.060.03
701Pann's Karizma Bel Nome F0.100.15-0.02
702Paragon's GretchenF0.13-0.100.38
703Penny de Itaipava F0.30-0.17-0.09
704Perfex Canis MajorM0.15-0.150.24
705Phinn dei DohseM0.18-0.140.19
706Pink collar F0.14-0.070.06
707Pipe Creek's Soldier of RomeM0.220.01-0.37
708Piranah des Brumes de KalhanM0.19-0.110.06
709Pirat von WarringhofM0.13-0.050.20
710Poesia's Let The Evening Be GinF0.24-0.130.00
711Pomelot's Island in the StreamM0.140.000.17
712Popeye de Royal DobM0.11-0.050.10
713Pride of Kharukk LibertyF0.11-0.140.39
714Pride of Russia Red RoseF0.130.010.00
715Pride of Russia VeloraF0.21-0.090.00
716Prima's Eye CandyF0.19-0.180.16
717Princess Jessie Jayne YunkerF0.29-0.170.10
718Promise's Coming Up Roses v OlympiaF0.13-0.100.37
719Promise's Hard Candy ChristmasF0.13-0.050.09
720Protea's ChangewingM0.090.06-0.12
721Protea's DramillionM0.09-0.02-0.01
722Protea's Oh, DredgerM0.050.05-0.01
723Protea's The Lady InsistsF0.110.01-0.08
724Protocol's Magic of the Dragon KingM0.14-0.030.03
725Purple CollarF0.15-0.050.29
726Purple collar F0.10-0.060.24
727Purple Collar PuppyF0.21-0.100.09
728Qadir von Scarva's Strand M0.200.01-0.03
729Queen Quinette Alary AslarF0.26-0.190.11
730Quella Dei DohseF0.24-0.270.40
731Queran Di Casa MontenegroM0.24-0.06-0.05
732Quest vom LandgrafM0.13-0.090.29
733Quill v FerrenbergF0.110.000.28
734Qyrill dei DohseM0.20-0.210.38
735R-Solo's Carosel Once Upon a Time Zelena AguiloF0.150.040.05
736Raindance Angel of the WatersF0.13-0.030.08
737Raindance Armed and Extremely DeliciousF0.110.040.03
738Raindance Genesis of MarquisF0.090.010.06
739Raindance I Am The StormF0.110.010.07
740Raindance Life's a Beach at HolystoneF0.13-0.050.09
741Raindance Magically DeliciousM0.110.01-0.04
742Raindance n Gabes Sweet Need For SpeedF0.11-0.030.09
743Raindance N Gabes Unbreakable Bone @ HolystoneF0.16-0.010.03
744Raindance N Gabes Unexplainable EventF0.09-0.050.15
745Raindance N Gabes Unstoppable ActionM0.060.01-0.03
746Raindance On The Edge Of GloryF0.20-0.130.00
747Raindance Once Upon A Time In The WestM0.20-0.180.26
748Raindance Raising The World StandardM0.13-0.050.00
749Raindance Red DeliciousM0.11-0.030.17
750Raindance Seriously DeliciousM0.13-0.020.07
751Raindance Setting the World On FireF0.080.010.08
752Raindance Sinfully DeliciousM0.18-0.100.05
753Raindance Son Of A GunM0.16-0.050.08
754Raindance Star Of IndiaF0.09-0.080.42
755Raindance Star Spangled GirlF0.11-0.070.14
756Raindance Walking On SunshineM0.11-0.050.09
757Raindance Walks On WaterF0.110.06-0.07
758Raindance Written In The StarsM0.10-0.020.28
759Raleigh dei DohseM0.17-0.110.23
760Ralph Lauren de Black ShadowM0.140.030.09
761Raven The ProtectorF0.110.050.01
762Ravens Mystic AngelF0.11-0.050.14
763Ravens Red FuryF0.11-0.050.14
764Ravenwood Dreamin A Lil DreamF0.190.02-0.10
765Razzle Taco TenF0.220.03-0.15
766Rebholzer Bad CompanyM0.20-0.130.12
767Rebholzer Moon StalkerM0.15-0.080.20
768Red collar M0.15-0.060.18
769Red de ItaipavaF0.33-0.09-0.32
770Red Dog's Ember CruxM0.13-0.030.14
771Red Dog's EmberGrrlF0.08-0.010.29
772Redshift Battle HawkF0.15-0.04-0.03
773Redshift Battle QueenF0.21-0.09-0.19
774Redshift Battle To WinM0.13-0.03-0.16
775Redshift Burning DesireF0.170.06-0.03
776Redshift Devilish FunF0.18-0.170.05
777Redshift Devils DelightF0.16-0.030.03
778Redshift Double DivaF0.120.07-0.03
779Redshift Double the FunF0.120.06-0.13
780Redshift Elven Queen ArwenF0.110.11-0.10
781Redshift Elven Queen GaladrielF0.140.03-0.01
782Redshift Fancy FreeF0.100.04-0.02
783Redshift Fancy LookinF0.080.020.16
784Redshift Fancy PantsM0.080.000.11
785Redshift Feel The PowerM0.140.000.18
786Redshift Hot DelightF0.130.03-0.06
787Redshift Hot Or WhatF0.20-0.030.06
788Redshift Hot ProspectM0.15-0.040.08
789Redshift Jerri_Bond_EightF0.170.03-0.09
790Redshift Jerri_Bond_FiveF0.150.04-0.19
791Redshift Jerri_Bond_FourF0.180.06-0.23
792Redshift Jerri_Bond_SevenF0.080.040.00
793Redshift Jerri_Bond_ThreeF0.200.09-0.40
794Redshift Live On The EdgeF0.180.03-0.10
795Redshift Looking for TroubleF0.150.05-0.14
796Redshift Looking SharpM0.180.01-0.21
797Redshift Midnight DreamerM0.14-0.110.21
798Redshift Midnight FlameF0.14-0.02-0.03
799Redshift Midnight GuardM0.22-0.100.06
800Redshift Midnight JokerM0.13-0.070.30
801Redshift Midnight MeyhemM0.14-0.040.08
802Redshift Midnight MonsterM0.140.030.04
803Redshift Midnight MoonM0.140.01-0.17
804Redshift Midnight NinjaM0.090.030.09
805Redshift Midnight RiderM0.13-0.050.23
806Redshift Midnight RogueF0.130.000.01
807Redshift Midnight TalkerM0.14-0.03-0.08
808Redshift Mighty AthenaF0.110.030.16
809Redshift Quick As The NightM0.18-0.040.14
810Redshift Quick Ruff And ReadyF0.160.000.06
811Redshift Quick Step QueenF0.18-0.050.15
812Redshift Rise To PowerM0.16-0.150.29
813Redshift Silver LegendM0.100.03-0.01
814Redshift Silver LiningF0.050.06-0.03
815Redshift Silver MinxF0.100.05-0.02
816Redshift Silver PearlF0.09-0.010.12
817Redshift Smokin Hot DevilF0.20-0.06-0.02
818Redshift Smokin Hot FlameF0.21-0.060.00
819Redshift Smokin Hot N CharmingM0.18-0.02-0.02
820Redshift Smokin Hot PrinceM0.160.09-0.17
821Redshift Sneaky PirateF0.11-0.020.07
822Redshift SoloM0.14-0.01-0.03
823Redshift Staying PowerF0.130.000.06
824Redshift Sweet PrinceM0.14-0.130.44
825Redshift Talk of the TownF0.18-0.06-0.15
826Redshift Tequila SunriseF0.160.01-0.13
827Redshift The Sassy PirateF0.090.020.00
828Redshift Trouble Felix 93F0.22-0.12-0.02
829Redshift Warm DelightF0.120.11-0.19
832Remy de ItaipavaM0.21-0.080.07
833Reshift Midnight CowboyM0.16-0.090.10
834Resolute's Ain't Missed A MealM0.19-0.100.06
835Rich-Lie Alexander The GreatM0.15-0.040.03
837Rio's Standing ValorM0.120.000.12
838Rojan's Dark Remnant AllureM0.15-0.080.16
839Ronan The Red IIM0.30-0.160.03
840Ruby De ItaipavaF0.23-0.14-0.06
841Ruger de ItaipavaM0.16-0.100.04
842Rumor Has It PinoF0.23-0.02-0.21
843Russkaja Mechta Rom RoshenM0.080.12-0.07
844Rusty De ItaipavaM0.30-0.210.04
845Sadie de ItaipavaF0.17-0.05-0.05
846San Rafael's One For The MoneyM0.08-0.110.44
847San Rafael's The Big SleepF0.050.050.26
848San Rafael's The Enemy BelowM0.13-0.080.16
849San Rafael's To Hell'N BackF0.10-0.090.26
850San Soul AviF0.13-0.03-0.02
851San Soul Born To Be WildM0.17-0.110.11
852San Soul CalvinM0.20-0.090.06
853San Soul CandyF0.21-0.09-0.03
854San Soul CascadaF0.18-0.120.17
855San Soul CasperM0.17-0.130.19
856San Soul Ceasar M0.13-0.060.24
857San Soul Cleopatra F0.18-0.170.11
858San Soul CocoF0.11-0.060.20
859San Soul CupidoM0.21-0.120.04
860Sandyshreu Achaius (IID Serb)M0.110.080.08
862Sant Kreal AlfaF0.18-0.040.08
863Sant Kreal JaphetM0.16-0.040.19
864Sant Kreal JarkayaF0.12-0.080.31
866Sarek vom LandgrafM0.130.01-0.02
867Scooby de ItaipavaM0.38-0.300.05
868Scotsbrae N Megamug Real SteelM0.19-0.170.09
869SDA Delmira CuendillarF0.16-0.080.15
870Seareach Elset ElitaF0.18-0.110.28
871Seareach Herza HedwigF0.16-0.060.04
872Seareach Heza HornblowerM0.16-0.060.09
873Seareach Isha InduumaF0.13-0.110.32
874Seareach Lada LlaellaF0.20-0.180.35
875Seareach Lada LlawellaF0.13-0.040.19
876Seareach Nena NaliniF0.110.07-0.03
877Seareach Oksamits OdessaF0.130.030.01
878Seareach Oksamits OrionM0.140.020.06
879Seraphin Most Valuable Player v AlisatonM0.28-0.16-0.05
880Shadday Diamonds Edge At DesyredM0.16-0.030.19
881Shade Della FedellissimaF0.20-0.070.13
882Shelby's Ever Makinmotion by DesignF0.15-0.05-0.01
883Shelian's A Thousand WordsF0.15-0.100.23
884Shelian's Fifty Shades of Fame v WindsongF0.160.02-0.14
885Sia dei DohseF0.140.03-0.04
886SignalFire AchillessM0.24-0.13-0.02
887SignalFire AdonisM0.31-0.210.03
888SignalFire AndreasM0.26-0.08-0.15
889SignalFire ApolloM0.24-0.13-0.09
890SignalFire ArtemisF0.25-0.14-0.05
891SignalFire AthenaF0.29-0.13-0.09
892SignalFire BarbaraF0.23-0.08-0.03
893SignalFire BartM0.23-0.09-0.01
894SignalFire BethF0.23-0.140.07
895SignalFire BoniM0.17-0.03-0.08
896SignalFire Cleopatra F0.150.04-0.11
897Silas dei DohseM0.16-0.020.14
898Sir Spudnuckle Spike YunkerM0.170.03-0.26
899Sisqua Psylock Of The MoonF0.21-0.10-0.05
901Smack-Dab's Devil's AdvocateM0.13-0.060.19
902Smack-Dab's You got ItM0.09-0.020.17
903SolStorm's Solar FlareF0.18-0.04-0.05
904SolStorm's Synphany of the SunF0.15-0.070.37
905SolStorm's The Sun Also RisesM0.24-0.03-0.19
906Sonza Age Of ReasonM0.19-0.05-0.08
907Sonza Black CaffeineM0.13-0.010.04
908Sonza Blue MoonF0.12-0.030.14
909Sonza Bring It On HomeF0.13-0.030.00
910Sonza Burning LoveF0.120.020.06
911Sonza Chain ReactionM0.17-0.08-0.06
912Sonza Counting CardsM0.09-0.020.19
913Sonza Crown RoyalF0.18-0.160.09
914Sonza Dark DesireF0.150.00-0.03
915Sonza Dream WalkerM0.14-0.03-0.10
916Sonza Exclusive InvitationF0.17-0.05-0.01
917Sonza Heartbreak HotelF0.14-0.110.16
918Sonza High RollerM0.130.08-0.22
919Sonza Impressive LassF0.17-0.080.27
920Sonza InfinitiF0.13-0.05-0.02
921Sonza Invitation OnlyF0.13-0.020.17
922Sonza Kakadu DreamingF0.20-0.02-0.19
923Sonza Kimberley SunsetF0.15-0.03-0.07
924Sonza Lake TahoeF0.130.00-0.09
925Sonza Luck Of The DrawF0.16-0.040.15
926Sonza Montana SilverF0.18-0.030.07
927Sonza Mystify MeF0.100.09-0.14
928Sonza Pass Me A TequilaF0.13-0.030.03
929Sonza Rhythm N BluesM0.100.050.10
930Sonza Rhythm N RhymeF0.100.010.16
931Sonza Royal AssentF0.28-0.280.24
932Sonza Royal CeriseF0.24-0.210.15
933Sonza Shes Got The RhythmF0.130.06-0.10
934Sonza Sleight Of HandF0.100.010.10
935Sonza Spanish DancerF0.15-0.020.09
936Sonza Stars On The WaterM0.150.00-0.11
937Sonza Talk Of The TownF0.18-0.140.06
938Sonza TeslaF0.12-0.090.31
939Soquel's Chocolate Rocks!M0.12-0.010.03
940Soquel's Echo of ThunderF0.20-0.100.06
941Soquel's Fortunate SonM0.20-0.180.17
942Soquel's Here Comes the SunM0.20-0.140.18
943Soulstorm N Cassel Tank GirlF0.20-0.080.02
944Southern Hooligans Modesty BlaiseF0.170.02-0.10
945Southern Hooligans Nature CallsM0.20-0.080.14
946Southern Hooligans Non-StopM0.17-0.090.20
947Southpaws American Dream GraceF0.20-0.040.08
948Spooky Woods BaltoM0.15-0.120.22
949Spooky Woods Black KulsoF0.22-0.110.11
950Spooky Woods Black PepperF0.19-0.120.06
951Stedfast Jan Sobieski King Of PolandM0.050.060.19
952Stella Red collar girl G litterF0.18-0.160.17
953Stonewood's Black BlazeM0.15-0.01-0.03
954Stonewood's Every Second CountsM0.000.000.40
955Stonewood's Falcon FuryM0.03-0.040.15
956Stonewood's Fast N' FuriousM0.03-0.020.35
957Stonewood's Fire & IceF0.05-0.070.37
958Stonewood's Fury Of FirestormF0.02-0.130.62
959Stonewood's Red SonyaF0.11-0.020.13
960Stonewood's Twilight EsmaeF0.030.050.21
961Stormborn's Fierce TempestF0.09-0.060.29
962Stuart's BruceM0.18-0.090.13
963Stuart's Chaos TheoryM0.150.06-0.07
964Stuart's Faction DauntlessM0.26-0.080.05
965Stuart's OfeliaF0.160.03-0.14
966Sun Country AnnieF0.20-0.070.02
967Sun Country DaphneF0.19-0.060.04
968Sun Country KizmetF0.20-0.01-0.07
969Sun Country's Foolish PleasureM0.090.010.27
970Sun Country's Hawaiian DelightM0.22-0.01-0.24
971Sun Country's High HopesM0.15-0.02-0.02
972Sun Country's High PriorityM0.180.01-0.14
973Sun Country's Hooked On HerF0.140.01-0.12
974Sun Country's Hot N SassyF0.180.02-0.14
975Sun Country's Hypnotic SensationF0.140.06-0.20
976Sun Style's Wicked CharmsF0.11-0.030.08
977SunCountry's Cajun QueenF0.090.010.33
978SunCountry's Candi CrushF0.12-0.060.30
979SunCountry's Chasing A DreamF0.160.03-0.06
980SunCountry's Fairy TaleF0.15-0.030.24
981SunCountry's Fancy FootworkF0.16-0.01-0.03
982SunCountry's Forever N LoveF0.110.010.21
983Suncountry's Formidable TreasureF0.18-0.040.14
984Suncountry's Viktor VitoM0.130.040.01
985Sunrock Cherry Blossom LadyF0.06-0.030.11
986Talane's Twilight Confident CoraF0.17-0.030.13
987Talon vom LandgrafF0.14-0.130.18
988Tarzan vom LandgrafM0.18-0.140.17
989Termagant's AsylumF0.10-0.010.13
990Termagant's BaalM0.060.010.21
991Termagant's BakuM0.090.000.05
992Termagant's BansheeF0.06-0.010.18
993Termagant's BaphometM0.13-0.040.09
994Termagant's BathoryF0.030.170.02
995Termagant's BeelzebubM0.110.05-0.12
996Termagant's BehemothM0.13-0.040.23
997Tevro D'Vine's Valentine Love Letter CGCF0.17-0.070.01
998Themiscyra's Act of True LoveF0.13-0.02-0.10
999Themiscyra's Step Into Your PowerF0.10-0.040.16
1000This is The Way De KekonixM0.13-0.070.07
1002Toby Creeks Blue Diamond Bree YunkerF0.19-0.030.04
1003Toby Creeks Yosemite Sam YunkerM0.21-0.030.03
1004Tolivar's Cool Kid on IceM0.09-0.040.29
1005Tolivar's Iced Courage F0.18-0.04-0.02
1006Tolivar's Jack Daniels @ ShelianM0.14-0.040.30
1007Tolivar's Jack Daniels @ShelianM0.14-0.040.30
1008Tolivar's Jack Frost on IceM0.110.050.19
1009Tolivar's Kiss My Gritz Shelilan v IrongateF0.140.09-0.23
1010Toppan do PrismanluM0.17-0.070.20
1011Torq vom HellerwaldM0.120.020.21
1012Traditions Livin' La Vida LocaF0.18-0.05-0.06
1013Treasured Bronze SunM0.15-0.110.21
1014Trinity's Goddess of War v BenchmarkF0.09-0.030.14
1015Trinity's Silver RainbowM0.12-0.010.13
1016Trymine Moka Noire TorkelleF0.08-0.080.36
1017Tundra Temper Of Bad Boy VaderF0.200.01-0.20
1018Ultimatedobe African AssassinF0.130.01-0.07
1019Ultimatedobe Assassin VictoryF0.11-0.040.14
1020Ultimatedobe InfernoF0.130.01-0.07
1021Ultimatedobe Optimus PrimeM0.20-0.07-0.08
1022Ultimatedobe StardemonM0.18-0.100.05
1023Undermountain v Sonatine Sweet Child of MineM0.150.01-0.11
1024Unesco V. Nobel LineM0.20-0.080.11
1025V Wolfz I'm Quite SpecialF0.130.000.02
1026Valorosa's Queen of DarknessF0.26-0.170.07
1027Valorosa's Sing Me A Love SongF0.28-0.180.01
1028Van da Hell FaustoM0.13-0.060.15
1029Velo v Phillmar Mac's Club DeuceM0.150.01-0.05
1030Venus De ItaipavaF0.36-0.15-0.16
1031Veradis Off With A BangF0.20-0.130.05
1032Viridian's Calico Jack v MerrimacM0.11-0.100.02
1033Viridian's Gunsway Heist v MerrimacM0.100.030.05
1034Viridian's Whydah Gally v MerrimacF0.13-0.05-0.01
1036Vom Haus NY Dobermans WilhelmM0.17-0.070.30
1037Von Luka's Big SurfM0.110.09-0.10
1038Von Roth HammerM0.22-0.190.21
1039Von Roth JokerM0.22-0.100.01
1040Vondura's North By Northwest M0.030.110.12
1041Vondura's RevolutionM0.110.00-0.13
1042W186 Livin the Dream v SiegruhmM0.150.010.05
1043Walamara Y U R The UltimateM0.13-0.050.35
1044WarrenMtn A Divine Experiment v. SiegruhmM0.18-0.110.21
1045WarrenMtn A Divine Intervention V SiegruhmF0.18-0.030.10
1046WarrenMtn A Divine QuintessenceM0.20-0.150.25
1047WarrenMtn A Quest for the DivineF0.18-0.01-0.06
1048Way Out West FuriosoM0.11-0.040.28
1049Way Out West Iron MaidenF0.09-0.030.19
1050Whiskey Mac's Dinah WashingtonF0.14-0.120.29
1051Windsong's Fame N Fortune V ShelianF0.17-0.140.14
1052Windsong's Fortune Hunter V ShelianM0.24-0.180.16
1053Winningmood Wild Win WinF0.080.030.21
1054Xena the Fang PrincessF0.21-0.11-0.12
1055Xephyr vom KondorstrandM0.19-0.150.21
1056Xi Xi Top Swift Run XenaF0.15-0.070.10
1057Xindel Von Schwarze KraftM0.25-0.210.32
1058Yellow CollarF0.24-0.09-0.12
1059Yenicerin JuleckM0.13-0.010.03
1060Yenicerin LakshmiF0.17-0.130.18
1061Zeke De ItaipavaM0.33-0.260.09
1063Zirconium Gemorinum MegatronM0.18-0.020.03
1064Zirconium Gemorinum MerlockM0.18-0.050.05
1065Zirconium Gemorinum MinionM0.140.070.14
1066Zirconium Gemorinum MorganaF0.18-0.020.23
1068Zora de Itaipava F0.22-0.100.10
1069Zorro Pasecke UdoliM0.15-0.040.11
1070Zuri Stark del NaissusF0.23-0.190.33

Active BetterBred Breeders:

KennelWebsiteState or ProvinceCountry
SonzaWebsiteAustralian Capital TerritoryAUS
Redshift DobermansWebsiteNSWAustralia
HaverhillWebsiteSouth Africa
Key To My Heart DobermansWebsiteFloridaUnited States
Poesia DobermansWebsiteIdahoUnited States
Kansa DobermansWebsiteKansasUnited States
SolStorm DobermannsWebsiteKentuckyUnited States
High Mark DobermansWebsiteMinnesotaUnited States
Lanser DobermansWebsiteTennesseeUnited States
Treasured DobermansWebsiteWisconsinUnited States
von ConklinWebsiteNevadaUS
Beja DobermansWebsiteNew YorkUS
Shelian DobermansWebsiteSouth CarolinaUS