Irish Wolfhound test breeding!
Irish Wolfhounds received their very preliminary breed summary last week, and have since been learning what their results mean as well as how to use them in breeding programs. This video is a test breeding demonstration to explain to breeders the results, what test breedings may show you as well as other useful ways to use your data! The video below demonstrates a breeding between Achnacon Banbha at Malinkey and Ravensbeech Comitas Of Wolvebrigg. We hope you enjoy watching it!
Some important notes! First, since only 31 Irish Wolfhounds have thus far been tested, many of these metrics may change as more Irish Wolfhounds are tested. Of course, we can only know what we know about a breed community by having dogs tested. Secondly, BetterBred always encourages breeders to breed dogs that are good representations of their breed and to never use our tools to the exclusion of everything else we have previously had in our tool kit for selecting breeding dogs. Type, temperament, pedigree risk etc will always be important aspects to consider when breeding.